12 : Compelled into a Lie (3)

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At the Mystic Falls Park :

We were conversating...more like arguing when my parents came bursting through the door with the staff. I don't know how they found me or how they got me kicked out of that charity home but I do know that I was mortified and hurt beyond belief.

They were my parents, they were supposed to be on my side...to help me through thick and thin and instead they didn't even spare a second thought before kicking me out for something that I never did.

There was nothing left for me there. No friends. No family, so I left. I ran and ran and ended up here, in this small town called Mystic Falls.

I liked this place, people were nice and humble, so I made it my home and I have been living here for almost 2 years now."

"Please don't cry, my dear." Elijah said as he brought his hand to your face, wiping the stray tears that had fallen from the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

You turned to him and brought your quivering hand to your cheek, crying harder at the sight of the tears that you didn't even realize were there.

Elijah wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him as you cried, squishing Luke between you both.

"I am sorry...it's just that I have never talked about this with anyone and..." You said between hiccups.

"Sshh...sshh, let it all out." Elijah said as he hugged you, rubbing his hand soothingly on your back.

He had been watching you closely as you told the story. He observed the changes in your heartbeat and the crack in your voice. He couldn't even imagine how much pain you had to go through at such a young age.

"Feeling better?" He asked as you pulled away from him.

"Hmmm." You hummed in response.

"How do you manage living here?" Elijah asked.

"Believe me, you don't wanna know."

"Please..." He pleaded.

You had nothing when you came here, except a blanket that you had purchased from the money you had in your pockets. You lived in the park because you had no other place and living near the nature helped you to relax. You had been eating from what people give you every now and then and the change you get, sometimes you use it to get some food or buy an hour of swimming, so you can take a bath.

It had been a rough two years but you were not going to tell Elijah about this.

"I am not telling you, so don't even ask." You said sternly. You neither wanted to lose a friend you just made because of how you have been living nor did you want his sympathy.

"Fine," He let out a deep sigh. "But did you think about getting a job?" He asked.

"I did. I asked at some local shops, bars and schools but nobody wants to hire me, they say they can't trust me since I have no ID or documents." You explained sadly.

"School?" He asked confusedly.

You rolled your eyes and replied, "I am a graduate from high school and I am good at both studying and teaching and I always wanted to be a teacher so..."

"Would you like to come with me to my house?" Elijah said smiling.

You furrowed your eyebrows and said, "Elijah...just because I told you my story doesn't mean you are obliged to help me. I have been living fine for two years and I will be fine for the coming ones as well."

"I know but all I am asking, is for you to come stay with me while I help you get a job and get settled, you can always leave if you wish." He said in hopes of convincing you.

"Okay, fine but Luke will come with me too." You gave in.

Elijah stood up and offered you his hand which you gladly took and got up.

"Yes, he can. Can I carry you, your wounds will bleed more if you walk." Elijah said suggestively.

"Yes, you may." You replied hesitantly.

Elijah picked you up bridal style as if you weighed nothing and began walking towards his house. You wrapped one hand around his neck and held Luke with other. You would be lying if you said you didn't feel special.

"Elijah, you are one of them aren't you?" You said after a long pause.

"One of what, my dear?" He asked, not moving his eyes from the road.

"The one's that lurk in the dark, waiting for a human to pass by alone, so they can eat them." You said nonchalantly.

Elijah's eyes widened in shock but he regained his composure quickly. He couldn't let you know he is vampire, it was too soon.

"I don't understand what you are talking about." He said looking into distance.

"Don't lie, Elijah. I have seen a lot of things happen here. People running at inhumane speed, dangerous dark eyes with veins that stood under them, the cries of humans from the dark alleys and the cover ups as animal attacks."

Elijah was caught off guard with the amount of information you had, he finally looked at you and said, "How do you know so much?"

"I just told you I have seen a lot happening here. It scared me at first, so I always hide behind the bushes at night to sleep so that no one notices me and from there, I have seen all this stuff." You explained.

"How did you decipher I was one too?" He said, not wanting to lie to you any further.

"The way you dealt with that boy. You did the mind control slash hypnotize thingy on him which is why he repeated your exact words. Although, I don't know what's it called."

Elijah stared at you in amusement and said, "Compulsion. It's called compulsion."

"So...you admit you are one of them." You said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Why aren't you scared of me if you know what I am?"

"Because you saved me and haven't hurt me yet."

"What's to think I won't now?" He said smirking.

"I guess I'll die happily then." You replied cockily as he chuckled at your answer.


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With love,

Elijah Mikaelson One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now