5 : Arranged Marriage (1)

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*10th century*

At the Mikaelson Cottage :

"Mother you need to understand.....I cannot marry her." Elijah's eyes filled with tears as he pleaded his mother.

Esther shook her head and let out a deep breath. She walked towards Elijah and gave his shoulders a tight squeeze.

"I am afraid the decision is not in your hands, Elijah.....but I'll have you know, your soon to be wife is a wonderful girl. She is kind, compassionate and hard working. She will take care of you and in time, you WILL learn to love her." Esther said, lightly smiling at him.

"Mother, I am sure you must have selected the best girl for me but I do NOT love her." Elijah said, meeting his mother's eyes.

It broke Esther's heart to her son like this. His chocolate brown eyes were filled with hope towards his mother. She wanted nothing more than to help him but she couldn't. Mikael had made the decision and she knew better than to go against Mikael.

"I understand you want to marry out of love, Elijah but Mikael owes a debt to Y/N's father and it will be paid through this marriage." Esther tried to reason with her son.

Elijah was enraged at his mother's words. His parents knew how much he loved tatia and yet they were forcing him to marry some girl from the neighboring village that he barely knew. Were his parents trying to sell him?

"Why me mother? Finn is older than me, shouldn't he be the one to marry her?" Elijah tried his best to convince his mother.

Why was he the one that had to give up his love? Why couldn't Y/N marry someone else? Why couldn't it be any one of his brothers? All the questions were giving him a headache.

"You are Y/N's father's favourite and apparently Y/N has chosen you too. Y/N is 20 years old and you are closest to her age." Esther explained calmly.

"But mother....." Elijah began but his mother raised her hand to stop him.

"Quiet, Elijah. You have no say in this matter. Mikael....." Esther was interrupted when Mikael erupted through the door.

"Rebekah told me that Elijah does not want to marry Y/N. Is it true?" Mikael looked at Elijah accusationaly.

Elijah bowed his head and stared at the floor. The look in Mikael's eyes told him Mikael already knew the answer but he wanted to hear it from Elijah and he knew better than to lie to his father, so he slowly nodded his head.

"You fool, you dare to go against my will. I have promised your hand in marriage to Y/N." Mikael shouted at Elijah's face but he was still staring at the floor.

"Look at me when I am talking to you." Elijah mustered the courage and finally met the furious eyes of his father.

"I do not want to marry Y/N. I.....I love someone else."

Mikael slapped Elijah so hard that the impact made Elijah stumble backwards. He looked at Elijah, disgust and anger written all over his face then he forcefully grabbed Elijah by his collar.

"Listen boy, you will marry Y/N in two days. The arrangements for your marriage are completed and the whole village had been invited, I will not let you make a fool out of me in front of everyone and I will certainly not let you marry that whore who has a child from another man."

The look on Mikael's face scared Elijah to the depths of his heart. He had seen how Mikael beated Niklaus and he certainly did not want to be the next in line. He could now see how much this marriage meant to Mikael and he knew Mikael will make him marry Y/N by any means necessary, so he gave in.

"I will marry her. I have never went against your wishes father and I will marry her, if you want me to."

Mikael's face relaxed at Elijah's statement and he let go of his collar. Elijah straightened his clothes and left the cottage without a word.

When Elijah walked outside he saw his siblings were eagerly waiting for him.

"Please tell me you convinced father to stop this marriage." Rebekah asked Elijah with hope in her eyes.

"Elijah, what is rebekah talking about? Do you not wish to marry Y/N?" Niklaus asked him confusedly.

Rebekah scoffed at Niklaus. "Oh shut your mouth Nik, I most certainly do not want Y/N as my sister in law.....Tatia is so much better."

Niklaus grinned widely and said, "Do not worry Rebekah, I will make sure I marry Tatia, so you can have her as your sister in law."

"I want her to be Elijah's bride not yours." Rebekah said with a face of distaste and Niklaus glared at her.

Kol was watching his siblings from a distance. He walked to them when he had had enough of their bickering. "If we are voting between Y/N and Tatia for Elijah, I choose Y/N. Tatia is just not your type. You should be with someone who is moral and loyal, which Tatia can never be." Kol said with a smirk on his face.

Niklaus was about to scold Kol for his words about his beloved Tatia but Elijah cut him.

"Enough I will marry Y/N and that's my final decision." Elijah said firmly. He had heard enough today, his life was falling apart and he needed to be alone, so he went into the woods to finish his chores and to think.


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