hello to my past!

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It really was happening. Or it really happened .Dave was gone with the wind. As we boarded the plane,I tried all I could to push him out of my thoughts. Screw me for he had been the only guy I'd dated that long. As we settled in out seats,Lily got out her headphones and laid back comfortably.

"Be right back Lily." I said as I got up to head to the toilets. She just mumbled something and got cosy on the seat. I walked on but unfortunately had no idea where the toilets were. I had assumed I would find them at the farthest corner like I saw in movies. Weird. I laughed at myself really softly and then decided to ask for help. I went to the nearest attendant I saw.

"Ummh excuse me,can you show me where the toilets are?" He had his back on me.

"Yeah yeah whatever..." He said. A bit impolite. I thought being nice was inclusive in their payment but totally not for him. I wonder how he still manages to be around with that attitude. He finished and gave the old lady a smile that made me laugh without really planning to.

"Is anything funny that...." He turned and stopped abruptly. He took in the picture of me and I gulped down some air. I tried opening my mouth but closed it the moment words begun to form. He was equally surprised. I wanted to turn and run for my life but his gaze rooted me to the spot. Sweat beads started forming as he moved close to me and I could get a scent of his cologne. He was the last person I wanted to meet. At such a time when I was just from a hurtful relationship.

"Well hello,Linda...remember me?" He said mockingly. Of course I can't mistake him anywhere. He was the reason I ran into Dave's arms and heart. He was the reason I'd left. He was simply my ex.....

"I ummh...think am good now." I said and turned to leave but his grip on my hand held me back. He pushed me into his body so innocently one would think we were hugging.

"Not so fast antelope,you ran away the first time...not this time"  He whispered inaudibly only enough for me to hear. He then softly pushed me to walk and when I made as if to run,he pinned something hard and sharp on my side. A small knife!

"Nobody wants murder today...walk on until I say you stop." I begun walking not because I wanted but because my panicking made me. I wished Lily could come looking for me. I wished for anything to happen. We reached the toilet door and he shoved me inside. He didn't let the door close. After while of making sure no one was seeing he also entered. I really prayed hard  Lily would get my text that I sent when he shoved me inside. As he closed the door,I lost all strength to fight him anymore.

"What do you want Jackson. I thought we were done and gone." I said to him,fighting back tears. He had been  very abusive towards me in our relationship. Dave had been his friend until he took me away from him. Jackson had been mad about it and nearly killed Dave hadn't the police intervened.

"Your thoughts cupcake,not mine." He said mockingly."...and what I want,I know I can't get it but...you can make it possible. So...where is Dave?"  He asked with so much anger I could taste it in his breathing. I knew if I disclosed where Dave was,Jackson would go after him. I didn't want anything bad to happen to Dave. I shook my head sideways and whispered.

"I don't know..we broke up months ago..."

"That's news! Was it you this time?You keep blaming people for your failures you know...am glad he left you. You can't keep somebody,can you?" He then laughed.

"Look,I don't want to hurt you. I just thought we could talk and come to an agreement. Seems you ain't really helping. Lemme help myself then..." He then begun fiddling with his belt. I froze. He was going to do it. He had done it once to me while we were dating. I choked on my tears as his hand held back my neck so firmly. Tears lingered a while longer before rushing down my cheeks. My heart beat hard against my chest as I thought of what he wanted to do.

"Pl..ease." I begged.

"You want me already?" He smiled down at me.

His hand on my neck was depriving me of air and I was getting to feel hazy like a drunkard. I tried to focus but I only managed to see blurry figures. I only remembered succumbing to darkness as I fell to the floor. At a distance,I thought I heard someone call out my name.

Well...well...guess who turned up to haunt our girl..yep,her ex who wanted to rape her on the plane...our girl loses consciousness of what's going on....did Lily get the message of her asking for help?did Jackson do his deed?What happens next....let's find out more....comment,vote and share like its a Christmas treat!!!

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