Getting to know Jonathan...

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So I dont know for how long i looked down in embarrassment but i didnt hear one laugh.Thats good news!

"Christ Linda you shoulda told me you were that hungry..." Lily complains,pouring me some milk. 

"Sorry..." I mumbled inaudibly.

"Hey ummh mum,i wanna pick up something at the store.Anything you wanna send for?" Jonathan asked in complete consciousness of the awkwardness in the kitchen.

"Yes,my boy...Linda,since you will be staying for a while,let Jonathan pick for you anything worthwhile..."

He looked at me as if daring me to speak. I so much wanted to but I didnt.I could live with this.

"Well in that case,see you at dinner.Take care princess" He kissed Lily's forehead and with one glance at me,left the kitchen in a hurry.

"I am so sorry..."I begun but Lily shushed me with one finger on my lip. I hate it when she does that.

"Food first. I dont want you roaring around like that..." her mum nodded in agreement and that sealed it.

"If you dont mind me lovelies,i will get dinner started. Feel free to help." Her mum said certainly jovial.

"We will unpack first mum...Linda lemme show you your room." I followed silently behind as we passed several rooms quite magnificently decorated. This was no doubt once a palace I guess.

"This place is amazing"I said to myself as we came to stand at a door engraved "guest" in italics.

"I is your room."She says,rolling her eyes in a way I could beat her to it.

"Awwwesome!"I squeal as we enter the bedroom. Geez i got a whole packed makeup set,a full dressing mirror,a tripple closet with designated drawers:jewellery,oils and all.

"Who was here..."I ask curious to know the owner of the room

"No one i guess,mum just loves putting things everywhere she thinks may look ok."

We unpacked and Lily had a shower in my room.We played the stereo and braided our hair. Typically our thing!

"Girls,come down!" mum's voice sounded up the spiral flirt of stairs.We put on light clothes for the night. I settled for a cotton short and a sleevless tank top.No bra,no pant. It sounded naughty but...what could go wrong?

We giggled loudly as we made our way downstairs.Food was already set on the table and even Jonathan was back.

We sat on the table.I sat beside Lily,whose brother sat opposite me. As food was passed around and stories were made,Jonathan kept glancing at me while talking to Lily.It made me nervous,to think this was the face i had fought to see in my sleep. The thought kinda felt stupid and i found myself smiling.

"...and you Linda?"Jonathan asked,looking squarely at me. I froze and looked at him,his clear eyes and blinked rapidly.

"Ahhh sorry,what?"I said.

"Girl,i hope its not that boy again..."I looked at her suddenly so she could shut up but she went on.

"...I mean its not like you shouldnt love again.Dave was a done deal."She dropped the bomb.So easily.So not without thinking.

"I aaah...well...i guess thats it.Lily couldnt put it more human" I emphasized,giving her the look.She swallowed spoonfuls of food and looked away. But Jonathan didnt.

"Thats good...real good."He continued eating. I had lost my appetite and just played with my food.

"Hey Jonas could you and Linda clean the dishes today?"Lily said as a matter of fact.

"Really Lily..." I knew what she was playing at and i was no way gonna let her win. I begged her with my eyes to not let me do this but she just shooed my plea.

"Great..."She says,geting up.She does a curtsey and heads for the stairs.

"Thanks for dinner,mum!"she shouts as she goes. Oh Lily...

Am still brewing revenge when her mum also stands and leaves the table.

"Goodnight,kids."she says,exhausted.

I also want to follow suit and pretend like I can be an ass too.I decide to just let him stand there and watch as I leave.I take a breathe to take my first step...

"You better not walk out on me,Linda.Les just get the dishes done and we both go to bed,how bout that princess?"

I dont respond and just carry the plates to the kitchen.I see him grinning as i pass him with the plates.

"Anything funny?" I ask.

"Yes,everything is funny..."He locks his eyes with mine and i hold his gaze before breaking it.

We are at the door of the kitchen. I adjust my standing posture and look at him.

"And why?" He takes the plates off my hand and places them in the sink.

"One thing at a time,honey"I watch as he removes all the cutleryfrom the table and empty the wastes. Then he stands looking at me with a smirk.

"I removed dishes,now your turn to wash..."


"But I go on,wash the dishes. Dont worry am here,waiting for you."

I roll my eyes and i swear they almost got stuck on my forehead.The way i roll my eyes is that serious. He thinks i cant do this? I wash the plates quietly. Then I remember...

"You came to the hospital...why?"I didnt turn around to see his reaction but i felt his stare linger on my back. Then icy trickles roll down my spine. A flattery feeling swims through my stomach when I realize what i have asked. Before i gather the words to take back my question,i feel warm hands wrap around my waist. I tense up as the warm feeling comes back and his breathe slowly kisses my neck. His hand moves to my right butt cheek and stays there. I want to move away but i cant. I want to slip but his hand has me tied to his body. Then his free hand trails lines down my thighs and before i can stop it. I gasp. Real loud. He then turns me to face him and I for one second want to slap him but I dont.

I close my eyes as his teeth grazes  my ear pinna  and i squirm at the sensation. My knees go weakest when he gently tugs at it with his lips. He then swipes at my lips with his tongue with a light flicker. I shiver and i can feel him smile. I adjust myself to his muscular built body and he chooses this opportunity to tease me and blow off the candle.

"You had asked a question,remember?" he says laughing at his own joke. My body was not in cordination with my words. I pushed him yet i wanted to feel him again.

"Get out of here..." I say.

He then pulls my chin to meet his  face. I close my eyes to wait for it. I can scent his sensuality and it arouses me. I lick my lips slowly and lean towards him. As his breathe warms my face,his lips brush my lips. Slowly. Softly.Gently as if caressing it. Hot waves of arousal shoot through me and I cant help it. I tiptoe on my toes and he encircles my waist with his hands.I put my hands around his neck and pull him toward me. 

"Not so fast my queen..."he says softly. He then releases me and smiles down at my closed eyes.

"Open your eyes sweet thing."I do and he is there looking intensely at me. I look back.This time,a darker look.

He swallows hard and rubs his temple furiously. He looks at me again.His pupils have dilated and I can catch his wanting scent. He is hard,I can tell. He fights not to touch me again and throws his fist in the air.

He is breathing hard and fighting for control. I watch him squirm too,when a voice disrupts our little drama....its Lily!

Hey lovelies...who saw this one?yeah not even me...this is a tip of the iceburg!!!get ua candlelights ready for more....

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