just an imagination...

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Am fighting against unending darkness I feel like am floating. I want to raise my hand to my head. Its splitting apart. Some unseen hands hold me back. The pain is excruciating and I scream like that's the only thing I can do at the moment. It actually is. Scream or remain helpless. Then my mind fails me and I fall back into deep hollow darkness. I see nothing. I hear nothing. I feel nothing.

"That should relax her...."

"Is she okay?"

"She sure proves strong...she can make it...I mean with the head bang she got and the gagging of course but still manages to scream, she is strong enough....let's wait an hour and see...."

After an hour...

"She should be coming back to..."

"I hope so doc...."

It starts with a distant speck of light dancing withing my sight's reach,then nearer and nearer and I find my eyes opening...

"Lily..." I whisper but suddenly another figure appears on beside me. It  holds my hand then gently squeezes it as he looks down on me. I look around for Lily. He senses the alarm in my eyes and smiles a disarming smile.

"Lily will be back shortly,Linda" he says as if its the sweetest name on his tongue. I fall back my head and try to relax even though my head is reeling with a thousand questions. Who is this man at my side. Who knows Lily. Who knows my name.

I feel shivers run down my spine. A cold chill encovers me as I recollect what happened. I pull the sheets in my hand and a tear rolls down my cheek. Before I know it,a hand is wiping the tear before it falls down to my chin. He sits on the bed,still holding my hand. I pull away slowly and he looks at me as if I've suddenly grown a second nose.

"Am not the bad guy who tried to rape you Linda" he says looking at me.

"How could I be so sure..." I ask,panic evident in my voice.

"I don't think I would have seen to it that you are well and  doing alright." He shoots back innocently.

"Then....who...who are you?"

Before he can answer,Lily enters and runs to my bed.

"Oh Lindy am sorry...I couldn't get there on time...I wish I could have followed you..." She pours out breathlessly.

"Am so glad you OK" she continues but my mind is not there anymore. I have nothing against her. If anything,I owe her my life. She saved me. She came for me when I needed her most and I wish she could stop bubbling how sorry she is. I want to know who that guy was. I want to ask her who that guy was and why he was there.

"Lily....I want to..."

"Time for your medicine" the  doctor announces and Lily stands as if to leave. I try my luck once more before it all bursts in my face.

"Lily please....stay..." I manage to say and am glad for a second she smiles back at me. 

"Anything I can do for you?" She asks me sweetly and I nod definitely.

"Sure go ahead...." She says.

"Who is that..." I point behind her only to find him gone. I look again with my eyes wider this time and for real he is really gone.

"Oh here's the doctor to give you medicine..." She says and steps aside for the doctor.  I watch helplessly as the doctor loads the syringe with some liquid. I want to call Lily back as she makes her way to the door but the doctor blocks her from view.

"...that guy..." I whisper and stop suddenly as I fall back into my pit of darkness. My prison of black. I feel nothing. See nothing. Hear nothing. I hold onto a wisp of my thought. I see some face smiling back at me. I want to call him out. I want to hold him back. But the thought is snatched by the darkness and am left feeling empty. No face. Nothing.....

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