The unveiling...

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I woke up thirsty and hungry. I felt energetic enough to sit up which prompted a sudden movement across me.

"Careful sweetheart. You don't wanna lose yourself to sleep again. "Lily said.

"Wow,how long have I been here again? " I asked,stretching out my legs. I felt my neck and it was no longer painful nor stiff.

"Too long to make mama worried bout us... "she said, looking at her phone. Before I said anything she coughed. Lily only coughs when theres something bothering her. So I cut the chase for her.

"Go on...what is it you wanna tell me?" I said, looking at her ridiculous face.

"Well... I thought maybe...Dave should know that you are doing great. "she said then immediately shut up. I eyed her for a minute before heaving a sigh. 

"Can we go home now... " I pleaded. 

"Yep, Cameron was to pick us up but turns out he ran a little late so we will just get home by ourselves... "

She helped me tidy up and through the discharging process before hailing a cab. I was so tired....and hungry. I lay my head lazily as I watched the things, people pass by through the window. I almost fell asleep again when Lily nudged me real hard.

"Have you ever heard of  ouch? " I whined at her and she just showed me her sweet face.

"Wait till you see our room. " That's what made her nudge me? Good grace!

"Here we are... "She jumped as the cab slowed down. I followed suit and alighted. Before us, was a mansion I could only read in magazines.Saying the place was magnificent was an understatement. I took it all in before clasping my hands together like a teenager who's just had her first kiss and inhaled the air of the place.

"It's pretty? "Lily says,standing beside me as we awe at the home.

"Was all my mum..she wanted her dream house. Guess she's living it." She said looking dreamy. 

"Get yours... "I joke at her.

"It's gonna be one vacation of a kind..." Honestly I really hope so. I just want to find myself. Am done the guesswork. Maybe this wasn't bad after all. Just then a tall, dark haired, auburn skinned hunk jogs by  and waves at us.

"That's Mark, a friend. You will see him around..." I nod slowly and find myself smiling. We pull our suitcases to the front porch. Immediately the door swings open and wide arms head for Lily.

"My baby... Oh honey... Am so glad you back..." she hugs her the way I remember my mum used to hug me before she left... Or rather died.

"Mum, meet Linda,my best friend... "

"Finally, I put a face to a name... come here darling. "Before I can resist, she has pulled me into a warm tight hug and is rocking me sideways. We look ridiculous and am very grateful when she releases me.

"Welcome girls..."She says with an air of confidence as if she just introduced us to a long lost castle and she is the queen.

"Thanks... "I say as we head into the house.

"Mama, the surprise... "Lily begins and I watch a smile play on her mother's lips before she kisses her forehead and taps it.

"Patience princess... "Lily recoils and I laugh at her.

We leave our luggage in the dining area before moving to the kitchen where we are served with cookies.

"Who wants some milk?" Lily's mother says cheerfully. We both put our hands up. Am craving for anything at the moment.

"Linda dear,get me some glasses there." She says pointing at a cabinet. I bend to pick the glasses when a new voice sounds behind me. He's definitely male. I stand to turn with my glasses when my eyes finally fall on him and I almost gasp out loud. I hold tightly to the glasses unblinkingly look at him closely.Its him... He holds my gaze and I can see the reaction of surprise with the movement of his eyebrows.

"Hi, am Jonathan... "Before I digest what he really is saying, my stomach let's out a loud and long rumble making my cheeks turn pink. I immediately look down at my feet and wish he weren't standing in front of me looking shocked like he was at the moment.....

Sup loves, meet our new love Jonathan!!!!...its warming up, can you feel it? Let's find out what follows in the next chapter!!!! And comments....

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