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Jungkook's pov

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Jungkook's pov

Where the fuck is he?! I have been waiting here for two hours already. He is never late, I don't understand... Did he change his mind? Or maybe he finally realized how much of a shitty alpha I was and decided to just leave me?

No, my Jimin isn't like that. My cupcake was never the one to just disappear. Maybe something happened? Or maybe his family saw him trying to leave and decided to ground him? Ye, that was probably it. I don't have to be nervous about my little one, he is so sweet and caring I am sure he just got something serious to do, he would never leave me. I just have to trust him.

With those thoughts I pushed myself off of the wall and started heading towards my tattoo shop. I wanted to get my nipples pierced. Jimin was supposed to stay with me while Yoongi pierced me but because he is not here I will have to do it alone.

It's not like I am scared or anything, Jiminie is just my lucky charm that is always next to me these days. We are always together, Namjoon likes to try to annoy me by saying that I became soft for him but what he doesn't know is that I really don't mind agreeing because it is true. I was never like this with other omegas, but of course, others weren't my mates, just some sluts who wanted me for my body and nothing else.

Just when I was about to open the shop doors I felt someone crash into my chest. I looked down and was about to yell at whoever dared to run into me but my anger eased down when I saw Hoseok. He looked terrified and scared. ,, Hoseok? What are you doing in here? Namjoon isn't working today, are you okay?" I asked him slowly putting my hands onto the beta's shoulders.

,, J-Jimin.... he, he is..." he stammered trying to regain his breath. ,, Hey Hoseok, relax. Take deep breaths beta. Everything is okay, tell me, what is happening? Is Jimin okay?" I asked slowly pulling my brother's mate into a hug seeing that the beta was about to cry. He seemed so terrified, I wonder what happened. I just hope that Jimin is okay. ,, Alpha, I called Jimin to ask if he was okay and he- he" Hoseok tried to tell me before he burst into the tears. ,, Hey shhh Hoseok, listen to me carefully. You have to tell me what happened because I won't be able to do anything not knowing about the whole situation. "

,, O-okay." He said trying to calm down. I felt how he pulled away from me and wiped his tears that were slowly falling down his red cheeks. ,, J-Jimin wasn't answering me so I got worried and decided to stop by his house and check upon him. I knew that he was supposed to meet up with you, but I just felt like something was wrong." He said slowly before his face turned serious. What he said next made my blood run cold. ,, J-Jimin's parents weren't home so I entered the house with my own keys that he gave me just in case something happened or if I needed to see him. I went to his room and-and saw him laying almost lifeless in his dirty bed. Jungkook, his room looked so bad, the smell of blood was everywhere. He was breathing but when I tried to shook him awake he didn't answer. I-I tried to call you but you weren't answering and I couldn't pick him up so I-I ran all the way here-" ,, Don't say anything else beta, let's go to Jimin's house. Lead the way, now!" I said trying hard not to let my pheromones because I knew the beta would be affected by them, and he was already looking shaken up enough.

,, O-okay, let's go." He said before running full speed into the right side of Busan, where all the rich and well-known people lived.

~Time skip when they arrived at Jimin's house~

I looked at the big house in front of me and I couldn't believe that my omega lived here. I knew whose house it was all too well. It was the house of that police officer that no one liked in Busan. He was rude, egoistic and jailed everyone who he didn't like. Every gang is against him in Busan, his family is rich and snobby, I remember when one of his daughters Jisoo tried to date me but I just didn't like her and rejected her instantly. I was never a man whore, in my whole life I only dated two other omegas apart from Jimin and both of them lasted only for a week or so. I just didn't feel like being with them when all they wanted was to have sex with me. I know it may sound weird but the main priority in my life was always love, not sex, not money, but love. I just wanted to find an omega who was meant for me and I guess my prayers were heard and I got my pretty Jiminie.

I quickly ran and kicked the doors open not caring about the consequences. Hoseok was running after me and I heard him yell to turn right and then open the last doors to me, and that's exactly what I did. What I saw next shocked me. The room was dirty and looked poor compared to the other house interior. The floor was dirty and with bloodstains on it, the right side of the wall was only cement while others were grey color, the room looked nothing like my Jiminnie who was like a little sunny.

I heard a small voice that called my name from the right side of the room and when I turned my head I saw my omega curled up into some dirty box that Hoseok called bed. He looked into my eyes and at that moment I felt like crying. His eyes looked so tired, and sad I just couldn't bear seeing him like this.

,, Hey princess." I whispered to him before slowly walking to him and picking him up. I heard him hiss when I touched his back but before I could say anything else he curled up to me and fell asleep again.

I quietly walked down the stairs where I met Hoseok who was already waiting for us. I saw how he gasped when he saw Jimin and put his hands over his mouth. ,, Oh poor Jiminie" I heard him whisper. ,, Hoseok, please take everything that he owns and send it to me, from now on Jimin will be living with me." I saw how he nodded and ran upstairs and while he was taking Jimin's belongings I was already walking to my apartment. I knew I could trust Hoseok to take care of everything, after all he knew that my princess would be safer with me.


If you have any ideas on how I could improve my writing please don't be shy and comment! I would appreciate it a lot. :))) ❤️

Also, I have a question. What story should I write next?




Also it's not like I don't like Taekook I just think that there is already enough stories about them lmao. And I am not a big enthusiast of them hahaha.

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