Timber 3

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C/n: Y/n McKay, Wings McKay little twin sister. You brother's best friend, Timber as always been your crush. Wings always took you to the sandlot because you share a love of baseball with each other. You know Timber would never like you because he brought girl after girl to the sandlot, that and your his best friends little sister. Ever since Tommy showed up Timbers attitude changed when Tommy around. Timber would always sit has close to you as possible and sometimes he'd put his arm around you and he started hugging you more.

You pov:

The guys really what Tommy on the team except Timber, I don't know why though. We saw Tommy and his mom go into the theater so we went to the bathroom window. We got in and Timber feel on top of me and kissed my cheek. I know I'm blushing at this point because his arm is around my waist as Officer Porkchop caught us. We got into the theater and Timber made me sit on his lap and he was giving Tommy the death stare. What is Timber's problem, is he using me? We got caught by Casper and ran around the theater, Timber made sure I was by him. We all got out and went home, Timber was spending the night at my house with Wings so now I can find out his problem with Tommy.

You: Timber I need to talk to you

Timber: Shit

Wings: Do you want me to leave

You: No you're find now Timber what's your problem with Tommy you've a bitch to him ever since we met him

Timber: My problem you like him that's the problem he'll cheat on you like Ej

Wings: Timber

You: Okay well what about today and at practice you make sure you sit as close as possible to me and you made me sit on your lap in the theater and kissed my cheek in the bathroom what are you using me like all the girls you brought to sandlot

At this point I was yelling at him and he was scared. I've only yelled at Ej when he cheated on me.

Timber: I um I

You: Is that all you have to say for yourself I

Wings: Y/n calm down

You: Why should I-

Timber: Because I like you there happy I don't like it when your near Tommy because he clearly likes you, you guys are always walking home together and laughing

You: We walk together because he's trying to ask out my best friend b/f/n

Timber: Oh I um I-I'm sorry

You: Don't apologize to me apologize to Tommy

Wings: By the way Timber y/n likes you too

Timber: W-what

You: Wings

Wings: What you weren't going to say it

Timber: Y/n w-will you go out with me

You: After you apologize to Tommy I'll think about it

The next day Timber made sure he apologized to Tommy and explained everything. Tommy was telling me that him and b/f/n are dating now and I decided to give Timber a chance. Timber and I are going on our date now so bye lovey's.

The End

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