Chapter 10

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Long chapter & Read authors Note at the end.

Laura Pov

I let the warm breeze of fresh air hit my face and sounds of the waves crashing against the shore become louder and louder.

After a long dreaded day at school, the beach seemed like the perfect way to unwind. Well at least that's what I told Ross in order to convince him to come to the beach with me.

We walked onto the beach, letting the hot coals of sand burn against our bare feet as we looked for the perfect spot to sit at. As we walked our hands occasionally brushed against each other, I had the slight tendency to intertwine my hands with his but I thought of the millions of questions of questions he would ask so I fought against it and kept looking for the perfect spot.

We set down our stuff and Ross quickly undressed himself in front of me, only staying in pink swimmer shorts. Boy did those do wonders for his lower body, they were nicely cupping his ass when he walked.

The sun was shining brightly making his hair look like a white faded out color, he poured out some water onto his hands to his hair so that it won't change colors in the water. But there was a part of how the water droplets glistened as they ran down from his head down to his stomach making his abs pop out.


"You know if you take a picture, it will last longer." He said chuckling snapping me away from my thoughts. I didn't realize he was done and that I had been staring at him for so long. I felt a blush creeping up to my cheeks.

"W-what? I wasn' up." I said nervously trying to wipe that smirk from his face.

"Well aren't you going to change? or are you just going to stand there and stare at me the whole time?" He asked with a flirty smile on his face.

"Shut up." I said and playfully pushed him.

"Meanie." He said rubbing his arm like it hurts.

"Whatever." I said and slid off my tank top and stepped out of my shorts.

Ross's mouth gaped wide open and his eyes randomly roamed my body from head to toe, they looked like they were about to pop out of his head. He couldn't speak, he looked like he was frozen in his spot.

I could feel smirk forming on my lips and I walked towards him and tapped his chin twice.

"Close your mouth Rossy, before you start catching flies." I whispered in his ear nice and slow before I walked away from him and headed towards the water.

Seconds later Ross joined me and made a huge splash as he jumped in.

We spent about an hour having a huge waterfight, splashing each other and chasing one another. By now it was about 7pm and I was trying to run away from Ross, seeing that I had pushed underwater when I jumped on his back. I slipped off his back after scaring him but now I can't find him.


"Ross." I called out but no one answered.


"Ross this isn't funny." I said moving around in the water looking for him but I saw nothing.

I was beginning to worry, I felt my voice getting softer and softer.



"AHHH!" I was cut off by his scream and him wrapping his arms around my waist as he jumped out of the water.

"hahaha. You should have seen your face. It was hiliarious." He said laughing so hard and holding his stomach.

"It's not funny Ross! You scared me." I said crossing my arms over my chest, putting on an angry because he was still laughing. -.-

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