chapter 14

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Laura Pov

 I have never felt so happy ever in my life. Waking up next to Ross in his warm embrace just lifts up my mood. Ross makes everything feel so great and perfect, I never thought I would have such a great with a guy. He understands me, he knows about everything I’ve through and yet he still stay with me. He likes me for who I am and he doesn’t care about the wealth.

He had the opportunity to sleep with me and he chose to respect my tipsy state and just sleep beside me. I never thought Ross would be the one guy, who makes everything better in my life. He really is perfect and I am so lucky to have him.

He loves me! Ross lynch loves me! I couldn’t believe him when he said it, the amount of fuzzy little butterflies that erupted in my stomach when he said it was ridiculous. I felt a permanent smile was glued to my face, it was so big that my cheeks were being to hurt.

I remember the bet afterwards and instantly felt bad that at the beginning everything was planned, I feel guilty for slightly lying to Ross because his great guy and I don’t want to lose him over some silly bet. Now that I’m more conscious of what I’m doing, I want to tell Ross how I really feel and how makes me feel.  


I have spent all my classes myself. Ross had to go to practice and then meeting so we didn’t get to have our in-between class kisses, I really miss his lips right now.

It’s weird how easily attached I am to Ross, a couples week ago I probably would have rejected any male consolation what so ever because I learned to be independent. But with Ross, I feel I like I don’t have to be on my own and that he will always be there for me.


I really miss him…

“Ms. Marano!” My English teacher yells out my name and I look up from my notebook where I had written ‘Ross+Laura= forever’ surrounded by big heart. I realized that I had been day-dreaming throughout the class and wasn’t paying attention.

Aw crap.

“Will please pay attention and stop day-dreaming!” She snapped at me. Clearly the women does not understand love, she really gets laid.

But of course that’s not what I said to her.

“Sorry, Miss.” I muttered quietly and went back to doodling my name with Ross’s in little hearts. I can’t wait to see him.


By the time lunch time had arrived, I had already sprinted from my seat and down the hall in high hopes of finding Ross standing my locker waiting for me.

I have never run for fast and happy in my entire life, I just really need to talk to him.

Once I realized that no one was waiting for me by locker I stopped running and started walking slowly with sad face. I guess his meeting ran longer than expected.

I had gotten so use to eating lunch with Ross everyday on the roof that I had forgotten what cafeteria food tasted like. Well looks like I will be eating with girls today without Ross.

“What’s with the sad face, cutie?” I heard someone whisper in ear as I walking down the hallway. I turned around and realize that it was Ross. I immediately attacked him with giant hug wrapping my legs around his torso when I jumped on him and pulled him in for sweet kiss.

“Glad to know you’re feeling better babe.” He said chuckling once we pulled away.

“I miss you.” I said cupping his face. He just smiled and put me down.

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