He Kisses Someone Else Part 2

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I wake up around 3 hours later to my phone ringing, I grab it off of my nightstand and see that Josh is calling me.
*End Of Recap*

I decline the call and he starts calling me again, I finally answer after the fifth call.
Brooke: What do you want?
Josh: Why are you being so mean? I didn't do anything.

I roll my eyes.
Brooke: Josh what do you want?
Josh: Where are you? I've been looking for you for about an hour.
Brooke: I left. Chase took me home.
Josh: He's not with you right now is he? I'll beat his ass.
Brooke: No he's not and even if he was it doesn't matter.
Josh: It does matter because you shouldn't be hanging around other guys without me.
Brooke: Well you shouldn't be hanging around other girls without me.
Josh: I don't.
Brooke: Then who was the girl you were sticking your tongue down her throat earlier?
Josh: Brooke-
Brooke: You're a cheater Josh.
Josh: I'm sorry. I was and still am drunk. I didn't know what I was doing.
Brooke: I don't care if you were drunk or not you still cheated. Im going to back to bed now, we'll figure this out in the morning when you're sober.
Josh: No, please-

I take my phone away from my ear and hang up, I set my phone back on my nightstand and try to go back to sleep. I wake up once again 20 minutes later to my light being turned on and someone shaking me, I quickly sit up and look at the side of my bed and see Josh looking down at me with teary eyes.
Brooke: Go home. I said we can talk about this tomorrow when you're sober. I want to go back to sleep.
Josh: Brooke I'm sorry. Can we please just talk about this now?
Brooke: I don't really have anything to say to you after you cheated on me.
Josh: There's gotta be something you have to or need to say. I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing.

Josh sits on the side of my bed and looks at me.
Brooke: It doesn't matter if you knew what you were doing or not you still did it and it still hurt knowing you did that.
Josh: Please don't let this ruin us? I love you and I wish I never did it. I messed up and I'm admitting to it. I'm so sorry.
Brooke: It already ruined us. Calum and Chase were right, I never should have dated you and trusted you.
Josh: What?
Brooke: They had a bad feeling about you when we first started dating and they didn't think it would end up good between us but I didn't listen to them and I should've because they were right.
Josh: Brooke I'm literally so sorry I can't even explain how bad I feel. I didn't know what I was doing.
Brooke: It still hurt Josh. Rather you meant to do it or not it still hurt me to see you swallowing some other girls face.

He puts his head in his hands.
Josh: Well can we at least try to work things out?
Brooke: Josh I don't know-
Josh: Please? I love you and I don't want to give up on us. I messed up and I know that but please I just want us to be okay.

I look down at my hands and start playing with my fingers, a couple minutes of silence go by.
Brooke: We can work things out but it might take a while-
Josh: How long?
Brooke: I don't know. Maybe a few weeks or months. We clearly need to work things out and work on us so we shouldn't get back together right away.
Josh: Okay. Can we make some boundaries so neither of us mess up?
Brooke: Yeah. We can't hook up with anyone, we can't let our fans know that we're on a break, we can talk to other people but if we develop feelings for them then we need to talk to each other about it and tell each other because it won't be fair to the other person.
Josh: Okay. Can we also add that we can't make the other person jealous on purpose at all? Like no photos getting posted online of us really close to other people?
Brooke: Yeah. We can add that too.
Josh: Okay.

Another few minutes go by.
Brooke: I think I'm gonna try and go back to bed now.
Josh: Okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

I nod my head and lift it up, Josh stands up and walks over to my door.
Josh: Goodnight.
Brooke: Goodnight.

Josh walks out of my room shutting the door and light off behind him, I lay back down and turn on my side. I eventually fall asleep a little bit later.

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