He Finds Out You're Pregnant With Someone Else's Baby

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Right now i'm sitting on my bed with my knees pulled up to my chest with my head laying on my knees, I have my arms wrapped around my legs. There's a knock on my door.
Brooke: Come in.

My door opens and i turn my head to face the door, I see Calum standing at my door.
Calum: Hey you have a doctors appointment tomorrow and i'm heading to hangout with the guys at Luke's.
Brooke: Okay. Tell Petunia I said hi.
Calum: Shes a dog.
Brooke: Okay and?

Calum lets out a laugh and goes to walk out of my room.
Calum: Bye.
Brooke: Bye.

He walks out of my room and walks down the stairs, I hear the front door open and shut. 20 minutes go by and I hear the front door open and close again, thuds start coming up the stairs. A few seconds go by and Josh walks into my room, he smiles at me and shuts my door behind him. He walks over to my bed and sits down beside me, he puts one of his hands on top of my knee and rests it there. He wraps the other arm around my waist, he goes to kiss my cheek but I pull away from him. He looks at me.
Josh: What's wrong? I know something is wrong because you asked me to come over.

Tears start to gather in my eyes, he grabs my chin and lifts it up so i'm looking at him.
Josh: Brooke? What's going on?
Brooke: J-Josh i'm so s-sorry.
Josh: For what?

I start crying and tears start falling down my cheeks.
Josh: Why are you crying?

He goes to hugs me but i pull away from him again.
Brooke: *Crying* W-we need to break up.
Josh: What? Why?
Brooke: *Crying* Because I did something bad and I-I made a big mistake.
Josh: What did you do?
Brooke: *Crying* About a month a-ago I went to a party-
Josh: The party I told you not to go to because it was Bryce's?

I nod my head.
Brooke: *Crying* Josh i'm sorry.
Josh: I told you not to go because I know how Bryce is when he gets drunk.
Brooke: *Crying* I know and i'm sorry. I should have listened to you.
Josh: You didn't sleep with Bryce did you?
Brooke: *Crying* No.
Josh: Then what happened and what's wrong?
Brooke: *Crying* I got way to drunk and I ended up sleeping with Anthony. Don't be m-mad at Anthony. H-he was way to drunk too and neither of us knew what we were doing at the time.
Josh: Wow. I-I don't even know what to say. Is that why you've been so d-distant?
Brooke: *Crying* That's half the reason.
Josh: What's the other half?
Brooke: *Crying* A week went by and I was hanging out with Calum, Luke, Ashton and Michael and we were at their rehearsals and I started feeling sick so they t-took me to the d-doctor and w-we found out I was pregnant.
Josh: Are you fucking serious?

Josh gets off of my bed and goes to walk out of my room.
Brooke: *Crying* Josh I am so sorry and I-I don't expect you to want to stay with me but I just w-want you to k-know that I am so sorry and I n-never meant or wanted any of this to h-happen.
Josh: You fucked one of my best friends and got pregnant by him! Like seriously Brooke!
Brooke: *Crying* I'm sorry. I know it wasn't okay.
Josh: I can't believe you continued to be with me for a whole month after!
Brooke: *Crying* Josh I was scared of your r-reaction and i've been trying to find a w-way to tell you.
Josh: Does Anthony know?!
Brooke: *Crying* Yes.
Josh: So are you going to be with him now?!
Brooke: *Crying* I don't know.
Josh: What do you mean "I don't know"?!
Brooke: *Crying* I don't know if we'll end up together or n-not but if we do it wouldn't change anything between you and me anyways because I don't think we will get back together.
Josh: I just can't fucking believe this! 

A few minutes go by and Josh calms down a bit.
Josh: We're done just so you know.
Brooke: *Crying* I-I know.
Josh: I'll bring your stuff back tomorrow and i'll get my stuff tomorrow. Thanks for breaking my heart and ruining one of my friendships.

Josh gets tears in his eyes and he walks out of my room, the front door opens and slams shut a few seconds later. I calm down and lay on my bed, I get underneath the covers. 10 minutes go by and my phone dings, I grab it and see a message from Anthony.

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