You Find Out He Has Been Cheating Part 4

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-sorry I posted this a day late:)


brooke: *yawns* okay. where are we?
*end of recap*

jaden: we're in sacramento.

i nod my head and yawn again, i put my seat up and rub my eyes. jaden grabs his keys out of his ignition, i unbuckle along with jaden. we grab our phones and get out of the car, i go to set the blanket down on the seat.
jaden: you can bring that into the hotel room if you want to.
brooke: alright.

i smile at him and he smiles back, we shut the car doors and walk to the trunk. he opens the trunk and we grab our suitcases, jaden shuts the trunk and we walk inside the hotel. we walk up to the front desk and jaden checks us in, the employee hands him a key car. we walk away from the desk and start walking down the hall.
jaden: we're on the second floor.
brooke: okay.

we walk to the elevator, jaden presses the button and the doors open a second later. we walk into the elevator and press the button for the second floor, the doors close and we start going up. a couple of minutes go by and we're in the hotel laying down on our beds, jaden sets his phone down and turns on his side. he looks at me from his bed, i set my phone down and smile at him. he smiles back at me.
jaden: what do you want to do tomorrow?
brooke: i don't know. what's there to do in sacramento?
jaden: there's a couple of museums here, we can go to the zoo, there's this water park here called raging waters, there's a park here called fairytale town, and a few other things.
brooke: we should go to raging waters on our last full day here.
jaden: that's what i was thinking too.
brooke: we could go to the zoo tomorrow and have lunch or something.
jaden: that's sounds like a good plan. *laughs*
brooke: *laughs* why are you laughing.
jaden: i was thinking about how fucking stupid josh is. *laughs*
brooke: *laughs* yeah he's pretty stupid.

jaden laughs again along with me, about an hour later i
look over and see jaden asleep. i grab the remote and turn the tv off, i fall asleep a few minutes later. i wake up the next morning to the shower running and jaden singing, i sit up and stretch. i look at my phone and see that it's 10:04 am, i set my phone down and stand up. i walk over to my suitcase and open it, i grab a pair of clothes out of it along with a brush, makeup, a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant and a perfume bottle. the shower turns off and i zip up my suitcase, jaden walks out of the bathroom a couple of minutes later. 
jaden: good morning.
brooke: good morning. has anyone ever told you that you have a really good voice? *laughs*
jaden: *laughs* yeah, a lot of people actually.

i laugh and walk into the bathroom, i shut the door behind me and get undressed. i turn the shower on and get in, when i finish showering i turn the water off and grab a towel. i wrap the towel around my body and step out of the shower, i start drying off. i quickly put my clothes on and apply my makeup, i brush my hair and put my deodorant and perfume on. i hang the towel up and grab my stuff, i walk out of the bathroom turning the light off behind me. i hear jaden talking on the phone, i walk over to my suitcase and put my stuff away.
jaden: josh you need to calm down. she's at home, i came to sacramento by myself to get away from l.a. she's not with me and even if she was it's not your business anyways. you messed up.

i grab a pair of socks out of my suitcase, i zip it back up. i grab my shoes and walk over to my bed, i sit down on the edge of it and put my socks and shoes on.
jaden: i'm hanging up now. you're being ridiculous. you can't be mad at anyone except for yourself. you're the one that messed up and cheated on her so you can't be mad at her for breaking up with you.

i stand up again and walk over to the chair, i grab my hoodie off of it along with my bag.
jaden: shut up josh.

jaden rolls his eyes and pulls his phone away from his ear, he hangs up his phone and stands up. he puts his phone in his back pocket, he smiles at me.
jaden: are you ready?
brooke: yeah.

i smile back at him and walk over to the nightstand, i grab my phone and he grabs his wallet and keys. we walk over to the room door and open it, we walk out of the room shutting the door behind us. we walk over to the elevator, i press the button for the lobby. the doors open and we get in the elevator, 5 minutes go by and we're in his car. he pulls out of the parking spot and starts driving to the zoo.

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