He Kisses Someone Else

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-Sorry I posted this 2 days late:)


Right now I'm at a party with my boyfriend Josh, we're in the living room sitting on a couch. I'm sitting on his lap with my head laying on his shoulder and my arms wrapped around his waist, he has his head laying on top of mine while one of his arms is wrapped around my back and waist and the other hand is holding a almost empty can of beer. I kiss his neck lightly.
Brooke: I love you.

I nuzzle my head more into his neck.
Josh: I love you too.

A few minutes go by and he lightly pushes me off of him.
Josh: I'll be back in a few seconds. I'm gonna go grab another drink.
Brooke: Okay. Please don't drink a whole lot. You're already drunk.
Josh: I won't. Just two more then we will leave. Okay?

He puts his hand on my thigh and smiles at me.
Brooke: Okay.

I smile back at him and he takes his hand off of my thigh and stands up, he walks to the kitchen.

15 minutes go by and Josh still hasn't come back yet, Chase comes and stands in front of me.
Chase: Hey uh Brooke, do you maybe want to go?
Brooke: Yeah but I have to wait for Josh. He drove me here.
Chase: I know. I can take you home. Lets go.
Brooke: Okay. Let me go tell Josh I'm leaving.

I stand up.
Chase: No. We should just go.
Brooke: Why? I need to let Josh know so he doesn't go looking for me later.
Chase: Brooke really, we should honestly just leave now.
Brooke: Is something wrong?
Chase: No. Lets go.
Brooke: Chase what's going on?
Chase: Nothing.
Brooke: Stay here really quick then. I'm going to talk to Josh.
Chase: Brooke-

I walk away from Chase and walk to the kitchen, I scan the room and don't see Josh. I start walking around the strange house, a couple of minutes go by and I end up downstairs. I look around the room and finally see Josh, I go to walk over to him when I see him locking lips with another girl. He has one of his hands pressed against her back and she has his arms wrapped around his neck, my heart drops down to my stomach. I turn around and walk back to the living room to Chase, he looks at me with soft eyes. I lean against his chest and he wraps an arm around my back and waist.
Chase: Lets go.

We start walking to the front door, when we get to the front door Chase opens it and we walk outside. He shuts the door behind us and we walk to his car, he opens the passenger door and I get in the car. He shuts the door and walks over to the drivers side door and gets in, I buckle in along with him. He starts driving back to my house.
Chase: I'm sorry. I didn't want you to see that because I knew it would break your heart. That's why I tried to get you to leave without telling him.
Brooke: So you weren't going to tell me then that he was kissing another girl and cheating?
Chase: I would have told you. I just didn't want you to see it yourself because it would hurt more. Brooke I'm so sorry he did that to you. I didn't have a good feeling about him when you guys started dating and neither did Calum.
Brooke: I know and I should have listened to you guys. I'm so stupid.
Chase: Don't call yourself stupid because you're not. You were in love and I understand that.
Brooke: But I should have listened to you guys about him.
Chase: Don't beat yourself up Brooke. He lost someone special. It's his loss.
Brooke: I know. It just hurts even though he's drunk and he probably maybe didn't mean to do it-
Chase: Rather he's drunk or not doesn't make it okay that he kissed someone else though. You're not gonna take him back are you?
Brooke: I want to but I don't think I could knowing he kissed someone else.

I lean my head up against the window, we arrive at my house a few seconds later.
Chase: I'll be here for you if you need anything. I'm sorry.
Brooke: Thanks Chase.

I give him a light smile and get out of his car, I shut his door behind me and walk to my front door. He pulls out of my driveway and leaves, I open the front door and walk inside. I shut the door behind me and take my shoes off, Calum and Luke walk upstairs.
Calum: Hey, how was the party?
Brooke: It sucked ass.
Calum: Why?
Brooke: Josh kissed someone else.
Luke: What an asshole.

I nod my head and walk upstairs to my room, I open my door and walk into my room shutting the door behind me. I walk over to my dresser and grab a pair of pajamas out of it, I shut the dresser drawer and quickly get undressed. I change into my pajamas, I put my dirty clothes in my laundry basket. I lay down on my bed and start playing on my phone, I fall asleep about 36 minutes later. I wake up around 3 hours later to my phone ringing, I grab it off of my nightstand and see that Josh is calling me.

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