A letter to my wrath

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My fiendish thoughts, words and actions have driven me toward you again. Yeah again. Seems these days you're coming along with pain amongst my many adventures. Actually many cracks to be precise. I almost let lose the fiend of my heart. It should never exist I wonder why it's there in the first place. I see it growing day by day as though it's gonna fill up a void within me. Your words palaver and belittle my vocation. You scratch every single time I get a thought of I told you so. Sometimes I wanna show you to the world. I wish I could just find the right ingredients to present you to everything that knows me. I wanna have my own I told you so moment. I normally have those to myself and I can't Just relinquish you upon an unsuspecting victim. It has to be just. Yeah the last thing I wanna have is a trail of guilt. Guilt would overcome my pride and ego making me do shameful things for a shameless cause. It would render me unjust and ruin the reason I let you out in the first place. Now tell me. How do I let you lose upon this world without feeling guilty afterwards. Something has to die isn't. There's no problem for the dead isn't. No point in shame for the shameless. Cause they do not exist to feel the remorse of those that dealt it. Rendering me free from both you and guilt. But how do I know that you're not like a drug. I don't know if I'll get addicted to you as I am to pain now. You're always together what if everytime I see pain coming I unleash you. Are you medication to my already broken world or are you a destroyer. If you are a destroyer can you destroy something that doesn't exist anymore. It's called my heart there's a black void there where it's supposed to be. Can you fill it up with something. Anything please. I cry in there but I neither see nor hear anything from within that place. Can you medicate it perhaps it's a wound. I'm not sure anymore because I don't feel anything anymore. Should I leave it like that or should I try something. If I am to try something am I doing myself justice. Or better yet am I doing the victims of our presence any justice. Answer me. Are we necessary wrath? are we a necessary pair

My tears are not worthless

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