A letter to my loneliness

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Hey there lonely. What's wrong. You come by every once in a while and allow me to be used thinking I'll find comfort. But there's never comfort in the friends that come by is they. Is it possible for me to talk to you and wish you away. Is it possible for you to let go and let comfort and closure find it's way in. While I'm with you i crave the happy thoughts. The good times and constant wonder of what could be. What could've been. Can i touch my heart with these words of comfort. Can i really find answers to every question I'm asking. I smile head held high and allow nothing to see me. But the truth is I want someone who can see me. The truth is i wanna be held tight and feel a warm heartbeat with less words but hearing a voice in my head that i am gonna be fine. Hey the next time you come around bring an actual human. Bring me my Moses so i can be taken out of this Egypt into the promised land. I have come to say. I may feel lonely but i am not alone. I may be afraid of the alone I'll feel when i jump out an airplane with my eyes closed but. I have this young beautiful funny and hard headed man whom claims himself King and talks a great deal about peace whom will always catch me. He will ride with me soaring in the sky and he will always love. So have comfort knowing that there is a me. I am here to feed the souls that desire comfort. Company. I am all the closure you'll need. Open your arms pull me in and I'll rest in your pleasure. I will fill up every empty space with words actions and food. I will be eating spuds ne tea ine mazi shuga. Nerice rine dovi/ dovi rine rice lol. Do not be afraid you're not alone. If you feel that way you're just facing the wrong direction. Here let me be your compassionate campus. Let me be your emotional rollercoaster ride and take you where love peace and joy is found. My foundation is the Lord so fear not i have come to you to bring you a warm and a very blessed day. They say time heals all wounds. I don't think time is enough. To me love heals all wounds. So love me more harder and without guilt and you'll feel healing again. Let there be peace in your soul.  Joy will come along now smile laugh and study well become the person i dream you as. I'm right here so don't look elsewhere for what i can offer. I pizza you so much and I hope you spud me too

My tears are not worthless

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