A letter to my pain.

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Hello there. What a pest you are. How dare you have greater presence than the most of my feelings. What exactly do you want since my rage is gone. What exactly do you need you seem attached to my bone. My smile and my actions try best to hide you. But how do i do so when in my speech you creep out. In my smile you're there as though I asked you. In my tears you rejoice as though I have no other. In my previous rage when trying to put my anger in a cage you still rampage. Tormenting me. How dare you touch me again, just leave me be but how do I deal with emptiness without thinking about you, how do I feel when you're always there and now I don't want you. I found comfort in your hands in the bed of your sorrow so can i have one wish from you granted and give me a vacation. A trip around love and boat cruise through the seas of my joy. Pain what do you want? Why are you always there? What have I done to have you as my best worst friend. What else do I owe you since in my time of empty you're always there. When I lost my mentor you were there, when I lost my toys you were there, when I lost my everything a definition you redefined, you were there. How messed up is our relationship. Through thick and thin you stand tall as positive things but yet you still hurt. I don't wanna lie to you, you hurt me so much in so many ways that the name pain isn't enough to define who you are. So take me away. Nail my heart with a crooked stick and twist. Let me feel all of you. Show me the greatest of your gifts and do not hold back be there another time so that when I'm used to you I'll enjoy your presence. But for now be gone. You've been here long enough. Take back all the memories and the scars that you've caused. You've taught me to be stronger thank you for that. You've been building me up and showed me how much I don't need you. I cast you away and ban you from ever trying to reach into my thoughts again. I used to feel you everytime I got asked why do I live alone. Now I answer boldly saying because I grew up and I have those who love me by my side so pain I don't need you anymore I have love. It was kinda hard to realize it's love but when my hate vanished that's when I knew the pain is gone so be gone

My tears are not worthless

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