A letter to my Truth

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There are things I wish the world knew. I'm afraid when people find out who I truly am it'll cripple me. I have so many regrets in my life and I still try as best I can to hide you from the world. I try and try again but it's always too late for me to do the right thing. I don't hide my true self or anything but I feel the need to show the world a version of me that's above everything. A version of me that's above feeling something inside. When deep down I feel everything. Sometimes I think I feel too much. Even a small problem in my mind becomes a big one. Big things are made of small things I hear. So why not treat the small problem with caution. I wish I could tell you how damaged I am inside. I listen to sad music and funny thing is it actually sounds happy to me. I feel something when I play it. Nothing else seems to put me in any mood. I feel the need to scratch out my ears everytime I hear something too positive. Something too good to be true. The only thing I'm holding on to is a Dream. A dream that's slowly fading away. A dream I think I won't be alive to see with the way I'm going in this world. Did I just dream because I was forced to cause non of my biggest dreams has come true so far. Everytime I'm ready to take a step forward I crumble backward. The more I try to achieve my goals the more they seem further away from me. I want to feel good about myself. Is that too much to ask for. Is it a lot to wanna be seen as a great man. Is it a lot when I wanna achieve my dream. Apparently the world assumes it so. Every dream is dying and my goodness I tried. Years have gone by and still nothing. No love on my side. No joy on my side. I know the conclusion is sadness but my reality is sad. Can you hear me friend. Your friend has done nothing but fail at everything. For every good deed there's 3 sins countering them. And dear friend I have sinned countless times. I'm sorry. If you looked at me now you wouldn't be proud of me. What I've done is shameful. It shall forever be imbedded in the hands of my beloved friend. Truth

My tears are no more

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