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1) Still Baz's P.O.V 



Sofia's spine numbing words made me speechless. Why was Chloe trying to break me and Ryan up already? How does she even know we're dating when I literally just told Will about us getting together an hour ago? It doesn't make sense... unless Chloe was listening in on the call, which would be a pretty valid statement right about now.

I could tell that Sofia was in pain, Will's worried voice mixed with her sharp breathing made it fairly obvious. 

"I'll let you guys go. Just be careful, please. If she does anything, let me know." I said, hearing Sofia huff. 

"Alright mate. You guys watch yourselves too. I'll try to stay on top of it, and it looks like we have an assault case on our hands already." He stated as the call ended. I heard stirring downstairs and I suddenly had an idea.

Running back to the living room, I was met with Ryan at the back door. My chest tightened as his hair reflected the light outside, causing a bright streak to run through it. Ryan held Mack as he continued to watch two squirrels fighting over a nut on the deck railing. I went unnoticed by the shorter chestnut as I quietly snuck my way around him, receiving a clear view of the battling rodents. Just as he was setting the cat down, I shuffled up behind Ryan and wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him from behind. He didn't jump, however, like I was half expecting him to, but I was fine with how it played out. 

We sat in the same serene silence that had covered us before as the chestnut rested his arms over mine. I took my opportunity and laid my head on the crease where his shoulder and neck meet, our heads gently relying on each other for support. I nearly melted at the fact of how comfortable Ryan is around me, even if we are more than just friends now. 

'Remember your idea, Baz. Remember Chloe...'

"Ryan? Remember how you'd said something about getting a new house?"

The chestnut turned slightly in my arms, attempting to face me. "Yeah. Why?"

"Maybe we should look more into it..." I said, not knowing how to put the next part of the statement.

"I was actually thinking the same thing. I've found one that looks pretty nice not all that far from here." He said, breaking free of my grip and leading me back upstairs to the 8-BitGaming office. 

Ryan pulled up several images of the house he'd seen and I couldn't think of anything more perfect. After discussing the price range and everything like that, he then asked me the one question I still didn't know how to answer.

"Why did you ask?"

"Oh..uh..." I stuttered trying to put together a last-minute response. I hung my head and sighed, hesitantly meeting his warm brown gaze again. "Will called me to see how things went after he hung up this morning. Something happened on his end of the line and I just thought something had fallen downstairs. When Will left his room to see what it was... he found Sofia sitting against the kitchen wall."

"Was she okay?" Ryan asked, nerves showing in his voice. 

"Chloe had attacked her." I said and Ryan's eyes widened. "Apparently, she wants to break us apart to get to you. She thought Sofia knew something about us."

"How'd she find out when you only told Will?"

"I think she might've listened in without Will knowing." I said, crossing my arms and leaning against the wall. "It's the only thing I can think of-- and Will wouldn't have told anyone."

"No, he wouldn't." He responded, obviously looking a bit more nervous now that I told him about the call. "And that's why you wanted to bring up moving..."

"Because she knows where we live." 

There was a brief pause before I spoke again.

"And if we can move without telling her, I think we'd be safe."

Ryan seemed fairly deep in thought about the situation, slight anxiety coming out in his eyes. I moved towards him and wrapped my arms around his waist once again. Almost instantly, he did the same to me, digging his head into my neck.

"Why can't we just have one thing without someone else trying to ruin it, Baz?" He sighed.

"I don't know.... But I do know something I'd like to have..." My heart began to beat faster as I said it, Ryan's brown eyes soon meeting mine. He seemed to understand what I was saying without me saying it as he repositioned his arms around my neck. As we stared at each other a bit, I traced the computer screen's reflection on Ryan's hair. My heart rate skyrocketed as the chestnut leaned closer to me, eventually closing the last gap between us. 

The kiss was passionate and filled with the love for each other that we had both suppressed for so long. Sparks flew through me like a wildfire-- and I held Ryan's waist tightly as his soft lips moved with mine over and over, creating the feeling I'd secretly begged for constantly for the longest time now. I never wanted it to end-- but like all great things, it sadly had to. 

After what seemed like ages of being lost in the moment with Ryan, we finally let go. Trying to catch our breath, we both laughed slightly to ourselves with the cheesy smiles of two dorks who were madly in love with each other.

8-BitLove: Bazamalam x 8-BitRyanWhere stories live. Discover now