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Notes: Ryan's P.O.V


Contains fluff



Ever since my nightmare last night, things have been.... interesting.... to say the least. 

Not only did I have a nightmare about my boyfriend having the life sucked out of him by my alter ego, a group of guys at Tesco tried to hit me up-- one in particular. Baz didn't know him, but I did though he seemed to have not recognized me and in my case, that was good. 

His name is Randy and he used to bully me about being gay. He said that homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to live, claiming they are the equivalent to slaves compared to heterosexuals, who he viewed to be like royals in ancient times before most social hierarchies were torn down. Honestly-- though he never saw it-- it actually had a huge impact on my confidence. That's why I never had the guts to tell Baz how I felt about him when I started to realize it... and that was almost a year ago.

Sad enough, Randy appeared to have converted himself. It's either that, or he was just messing around and trying to get a laugh from his friends. Either way, he made me really uncomfortable and I knew that Baz could see it too. 

Once Randy tried to get ahold of me, I felt so awkward that I could hardly move to my own will. My heart had taken control and I had to force myself not to show any unease. I know that Randy just wants a reaction any time he hits on someone that he deems lower in rank than himself, and I wasn't going to give it to him.

But still, thoughts from high school came flooding back to me as we drove home. All of the names he called me that didn't bother me at first, but as time grew on I had begun to listen to them...

"B*tch! Hoe! Sl*t! You think anyone can like you? You're gay for f*ck sake! Ain't nobody gonna like a gay piece of sh*t like you!"

I knew they weren't true. But in the back of my mind (Nate? What are you doing here?), I started to believe those harsh words were true. 

Baz didn't let it go unnoticed. He knew what I was dealing with, as I had finally told him about it when it had been going on for a while. He'd also dealt with the same thing, just not as extreme. The drive home was quiet, but apparently the look on my face told Baz exactly what I was thinking.

I'd rested my arm on the console of the car, lost in thought as memories captivated my conscience. What snapped me out of it was when I felt Baz's hand on mine. I glanced down at our arms, where his was crossed over mine and I laced my hand with his. I looked up at Baz, who was glancing at me slightly while also waiting for the next car in the intersection to pass through. 


"Are you okay?" The ginger asked once we arrived back home.

"I'm alright... just a bit uncomfortable still..." 

I reached into my pocket to grab my phone. But once I had it out, Baz teasingly snatched it away.

"Hey! You big doof, give it back!" I laughed, trying to reach for my phone that Baz was holding in the air. His hoodie was still off, exposing the inked sleeve that coated his left arm. He flexed it every once in a while, knowing it messes with me.

Baz set my phone on the kitchen counter and walked over to me. Instead of diving for it, I stayed where I was, leaning against the counter, and felt my boyfriend's protectively strong arms snake their way around my waist. I copied his actions, wrapping my arms loosely around him and tightly holding onto his sides. The ginger chuckled slightly with a low tone.

"God I love you." He said, seeming to almost growl the words into my ear and I felt my face heat up. 

My chest tightened as Baz met his lips with my own gently. He traced the tattoos on my left arm with one hand, still holding my waist with the other as he moved his head slightly and rested it on the base of my neck. I tucked my face into his neck as well, letting his strong hold on me tighten a bit as he slid his hand from my arm back onto my waist, drawing acute patterns on the lower part of my back.

After a minute or two of silence, Baz then spoke again.

"I can't imagine what it's like to be hit up like that, but I know just witnessing it was painful enough."

"I'm fine, babe. I promise." I said, pecking the side of his neck lightly.

"-And I promise that I will never, under any circumstance, force you into anything you don't want to do. I love you, and I will never hurt you. Please remember that."

"I will, Ryan. Thank you... for everything..."

Baz lifted his head from my neck and stood back over me, his beautiful green eyes gazing into mine with the calming softness that I fell in love with a while ago. 

"Anything for my Bitty." He chuckled. (I'm ded!)

I rolled my eyes, laughing from the cheesy nickname.

"You really are a dingus." I said, ruffling his hair before my lips were caught once again. 

Baz pulled me closer, gripping my waist a bit tighter. I threw my arms around his neck and the kiss deepened a little, but not too much. Our lips moved with perfect sync, neither of us missing a beat. But soon, we had to pull away and we were both left gasping for air. 

Baz gave me another look that told me he knew what I was going through and that I didn't need to explain anything. I just stayed quiet, ready to hear whatever Baz had to say.

"I love you so much baby." Baz said, leaving a few kisses trailing down my neck. "And I never want to lose you." He left a few more on the other side. "You are the world to me and more." Baz straightened up once more and laid his hand on the base of my head. He met his lips lightly to my nose, then my lips again. "I'm so lucky."

I felt tears threatening to fall from my eyes with every reassuring word Baz spoke. My chest was tight and I felt overwhelmed with emotion. 

"You could've chosen anyone else... anyone other than me to be your best mate for all those years. You could've chosen to like females instead of males. Even then, You could've chosen anyone else to ask out. But through the waves of people here, you chose me. I think it's safe to say that I'm the lucky one." I said as Baz chuckled to himself, clearing my eyes with his hoodie sleeve. 

"Don't ever think so low of yourself. You're perfect in every way, shape, and form possible. I don't want to live any day that you aren't beside me. I don't want to live without you. You're my everything." He said in a low, and serious voice. "I love you more than you know and I don't think I can express it to the point where I'll be able to show you all of it..." He trailed off for a minute, pecking my lips gently before continuing in a whisper. "...because it's so d*mn much."

I chuckled slightly, resting my head on his shoulder. He moved his hand from my head to my waist and left it there.

"I love you, Ryan." I said finally in a low voice as Baz tightened his hold on me.

"I love you more, Bitty. Don't ever forget that."

'Lord knows...'  I said to myself. '...I won't.'

8-BitLove: Bazamalam x 8-BitRyanWhere stories live. Discover now