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Notes: Baz's P.O.V

A bit of rough fluff near the end with some humor following.

Contains recent events to give some reassurance to Ryan over a situation.



*6 Months Later*

Ever since the lads freed their egos, things have been pretty peaceful. Well, for me, Ryan, Rhys, and Lewis anyway. Ryan.Exe, Badbowski, DAGore, and Darko all moved to a house not too far away about three months ago. 

Meanwhile, Chloe had managed somehow to smuggle her phone from the officers in prison and began texting us all different things, except for Ryan....

She texted Will how much she missed being a part of DAGames, begging for him to let her come back once she was released. Of course, he believed none of it.

She texted Rhys and asked if she could stay with him when her sentence was over until she made amends with Will and Sophia.

She asked Lewis if he would help her convince Will to let her come back, thinking on the basis of him having a gentle nature and the passion to help others with anything he could.

She told me that I need to stay away from Ryan because she will soon have him. She won't stop until he's hers.

I debated on whether or not I should tell her that Anti wanted to have her, but soon decided against it. It wouldn't be a good idea to stir up the tension that was already built. She didn't know where we lived now since Ryan and I moved, but that doesn't mean we were totally safe. Chloe could try to hack and get our locations once she's released.


The new house was pretty nice. (I'm just making most of the next part up) It had a living room downstairs, a decent-sized kitchen with an island separating the two rooms, two bedrooms-- one of which was turned into a guest room and Ryan and I shared the other-- and three smaller spare rooms that we figured out the perfect system for. One office would be mine, one would be Ryan's, and the other would be reserved for 8-BitGaming. 

There was also another living room-like area upstairs that we don't have a specific name for. We had to move the couch up there in order to put it somewhere due to the fact that it's too big to fit in the living room downstairs.

I was just ending my Twitch stream when Ryan lightly knocked on my office door. I got up to open it, being met by my usually chipper boyfriend on the other side. But he didn't look all that thrilled, holding his phone tightly in his hand.

"Babe?" I asked, confused. "Are you okay?"

"You know how Chloe has been harassing you guys about things for when she's released?" He said, his expression now seeming to reflect concern more than the pain it showed two seconds ago.

"Yeah, why?" 

Ryan said nothing else, but handed me his phone. There were texts back and forth between him and the former member of the DAGames team. I read from the top that Ryan had it set from all the way to the last message that was sent. 

4:12 pm- Hello Ryan


4:48 pm- Ryan... answer me.

Who are you? -4:50 pm

4:51 pm- You know who 

You're not allowed to have your phone, Chloe. 
How did you get it? -4:52 pm

8-BitLove: Bazamalam x 8-BitRyanWhere stories live. Discover now