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1) Ryan's POV

2) Contains Fluff



It's been about a week since Chloe attacked Sofia. She wouldn't leave them alone, continuously asking question after question about everything from our recording schedules to our personal daily plans and whether or not Baz would be going anywhere by himself. I assume she's trying to find a time that I would be alone and attempt to come over or run into me at the store or something. She wouldn't stay off of Will nor Sofia, leading to them staying at my place for a bit. 

In the meantime, I was currently on the phone with the owner of the house Baz and I had looked at earlier this week when he told me what 'd happened at Will's. 

"Thank you so much, mate!" I said before hanging up. Flinging my office door open and running downstairs, I sighed to make the news sound bad. "Hey Baz..." 

Baz, Will, and Sofia were in the kitchen, laughing over a reddit post. The ginger's head shot up when I called his name, knowing I'd been on a call about the house. I put on a troubled-looking face and walked into the kitchen. 

"Hey, how'd it go?" He asked and I reluctantly didn't answer, trying to hide a laugh. I opened the fridge to correct my expression and grabbed a Monster, returning to the counter. "Babe, what'd they say?"

Will laughed when Baz said that, still shocked that Bazyan was actually cannon. I opened the Monster and took a long drink, asking myself if I wanted to prolong the answer or not. Coming back down for air, I set the can on the marble-top counter and received a strong tattooed arm on my waist. I looked up to face the beautiful green eyes of my red-headed boyfriend, who searched my expression for the answer. He then purred low in my ear, a small growl evident in his voice:

"Tell me or I'll fluster you right here." 

I felt his face close to my neck as a blush burned its way to mine. I had to say something, but I was now speechless by a numb feeling in my chest. He was already flustering me, and we weren't alone, which made it a bit more awkward. But Baz didn't care. He was willing to do anything to make me talk. I glanced over at Will, who was whispering something to Sofia and they were laughing. 

'The ship...'  I told myself and sighed, giving in to Baz. 

"There were 15 showings after ours. The other buyers were in a bidding war, trying to beat out our offer..." I said, giving an upset face to the three. "....And they'd just called to tell us their decision..." 

"What was it?" The ginger asked again. I made myself look depressed almost, looking at the ground as he continued to hold me.

"It was a tight choice...." I met his eyes again, finally giving in. ".... We got the house!"

"Oh thank God!" Baz said, leaning back and losing balance. I wrapped my arms around him to catch him from falling as we all laughed at the sudden event.

"Well, this is good." Will said, relief in his voice. "Now you guys will be safe."

"What about y'all?" I asked, concerned for them; as they can't stay at my house forever, no matter how much I don't mind. 

"We'll be alright. We have a court date next week for my injuries." Sofia said, lifting her sleeve to show her scarred up arm. "We're thinking about firing her from DAGames as well, seeing as she can't be around us without being in our business 24/7."

Baz nodded and I did the same. He stood beside me, left arm around the lower space on my back. He ran his right hand through his hair. "Do you want my input on it?" He offered.

"Sure." Will said, laying his hand over Sofia's.

"I honestly think it would be a good idea to send her off. If she's turned into a danger, it might be best to fire her." He said and Will nodded. 

"That's what I was thinking." The green-fringed gamer said.

"Did they say the date to close?" Baz then asked once everything died down.

"Oh yeah, tomorrow." I laughed as he said: 

"Wow. They can't wait to get the house sold eh?"

"I guess. They've already done the inspections and everything too. And that only saves us money, so I'm not complaining." I responded, only to get a nod back. 


After a while of joking around in the kitchen, we chose to turn in for the night and after saying good night to Will and Sofia, I went upstairs. Baz ran around downstairs, turning everything off after insisting to do it. Stopping by the office to shut everything down, I went to mine and Baz's room, which used to be just my room; but when we got together, Baz and I decided to turn his into a guest room. 

I changed into a pair of red and black flannel-patterned pants and debated on wearing a shirt or not. I went without one, seeing as my air conditioner seems to hate us at times and will cut off automatically at random times, resulting in the house getting really hot even when it's 30 degrees outside. I flopped on the bed, scrolling through twitter for a minute. I saw multiple mentions of this meme app called IFunny and it had good reviews. 

"Why not?" I asked myself out loud as Baz came in and changed into different pants, leaving his shirt off as well. 

"What was that?" He asked and I told him about the app. "Ah." He nodded before muttering something to himself. "Sh*t, I left my phone downstairs."

Baz left the room and I started looking through some of the memes on the app. There were multiple remarks about the COVID19 pandemic (Why am I not surprised?) and there were some gifs and videos as well. I watched one gif where a cat jumped for a feather and landed in the trash.

"Oh no!" I laughed. Next thing I know, a blur crosses the room in the corner of my eye. "Oh sh*t! Baz!"

That was the last thing I could say before Baz threw himself onto me, almost sending us to the floor on the other side of the bed. He landed right over me, kinda crooked however. 

"What the h*ll, babe?" I asked him, laughing as we straightened ourselves out and sat up in our normal spots on the bed.

"Eh, just felt like it." He said fixing the comforter over us both and smiling back at me. 

"Uh huh...." I said, grabbing my phone from the end of the bed, which is where it had landed when Baz tackled me and I threw it by accident. 

When I returned back to the head of the bed, Baz laughed. 

"What?" I asked, taking my glasses off and setting them on the table beside the bed.

"Nothing." He said, catching me in a passionate kiss. I laid one arm over his shoulder as he rested his on my waist. We broke away quickly, as we were still out of breath from the dingus bowling me over. We laid down and browsed some of the memes and gifs that IFunny had to offer. Most made us laugh while others just confused us. 


After a while, I shut my phone off because my eyes were starting to burn. I put my phone on the table beside my glasses and laid myself against Baz's chest. I traced the rose tattoo with my eyes, feeling the ginger running his hand through my hair. I laced my right hand with his left and felt the day's exhaustion finally wash over me as the room began fade. I was half asleep within 5 minutes and could only make out Baz's muffled 'I love you' as I surrendered to the sleep that came over my body.

8-BitLove: Bazamalam x 8-BitRyanWhere stories live. Discover now