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1) Baz's P.O.V

2) *Warning* Mentions of a hostile encounter



The rest of the night after my nightmare was pretty much sleepless. Sure, I drifted in and out of a light doze here and there, but that was really it. My total amount of sleep for last night? About 5 hours. 

It seems like enough to some people, but I had sudden-- and almost full-- adrenaline when I woke up and soon crashed from it heavily, too heavy for me fall back asleep properly. I just sat for the rest of the night with Ryan laying against my chest, one arm snaked around my back while the other was tucked against my chest. I smiled to myself as I watched the chestnut sleeping peacefully, but I then noticed something out of place. 

Ryan began shaking slightly, same as he had before, and my grip on him grew tighter. 

"You're okay... you're okay...." I whispered, hoping to calm him down. But I soon realized that it actually wasn't Ryan, but Ryan.Exe. The ego was itching to be let out... and I was gonna make sure it would stop hurting my boyfriend no matter what. 

The shaking slowed and I searched for anything else abnormal. I was glancing around his face, inspecting what I could, when a single crack appeared below his right eye (Ryan's right, Baz's left). It faded away as fast as it had come, a raspy noise following it.

'Help me...'

'What the bloody h*ll was that?'  I asked myself as Ryan began to shake again. I proceeded to tighten my grip on him in desperate attempt to stop what seemed to be a panic attack of some kind. But when I looked at the rest of Ryan's body, he was calm. Maybe Exe is trying to communicate with us?


The following morning, I told Ryan what happened the night before. 

"You were shaking again, but not as bad as before. A crack split under your right eye and I heard something along the lines of 'Help me'. Did you have a dream of some sort?"

Ryan gave me a defeated look and proceeded to tell me about the first dream he had last night.

"I was in a long hall lined with prison cells. In each cell was a different antagonist from games we've played. They didn't really bother me much, fear-wise.... well... except for one...." He chuckled nervously, averting his gaze and scratching his neck.

"Which one was that?" I asked, taking another bite of my bacon sandwich (if you don't eat bacon sandwiches, you're missing out) and curious as to which nightmarish demon creeped Ryan out so bad.

"The Ayuwoki." He said, laughing as he bit into his sandwich as well. I flinched, making a muffled, yet sympathetic, noise since I still had the bite in my mouth. 

"Yeah. And she scared the sh*t out of me." He laughed taking another bite. I laughed, setting my plate in the sink. 

When Ryan finished his sandwich, he continued his story about the dreams he had.

"And I found myself having a pretty decent conversation, getting answers as to why I was there...."

I nodded, searching his face for more information.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked, shocked at the next answer to come from my boyfriend.

"Springtrap and the Neighbor." 

"Okaaayyy..... wow.." I laughed, Ryan soon chiming in. 

"Hey, they told me what was going on." He put his hands up in defense. "And Springtrap seems to be a pretty civil person now for a guy who was a child murderer."

I laugh and he continues.

"Apparently, Exe is a failed ego creation. If I let him out, he'll be free. But if I keep him suppressed, AntiSepticEye has complete control of him. The reason Exe was even created is because Anti wants Chloe, but doesn't want to be seen physically by others since a lot of people know who he is."

"So you're just a carrier at this point?" I ask for confirmation and he nods. "But what about you being in pain and possessed at times?"

"The torture is actually coming from Anti. He's controlling Exe so that when he tells me to do something and I refuse, then Anti inflicts pain through Exe. And the possession... it's Exe trying to communicate with me. He's trying to let me know that he's here and he needs my help to escape his prison."

I can only nod in understanding of what my boyfriend is saying. It makes sense, that Anti would want to use a solid body to get what he wants. To some extent, I just wished it wasn't Ryan.


A few hours later, Ryan and I were arriving back home from the store. We thought that harmless trip to Tesco would be perfectly fine for today. We couldn't be any more wrong. From the moment we walked in to when we left, there was nothing but chaos. A group of guys tried to step in our way at one point, and I then had an idea. 

I'm not trying to be stereotypical, but they weren't what you'd expect from a bunch of gangster-looking guys. They were pretty thin and while a couple had small bulges on their arms, it wasn't much. They were also the type of guys who think that wearing a thousand gold chains and rings with their pants hanging low to expose themselves will get them a girl. On the other hand, we were the complete opposite, and they were in for a surprise when one tried to put his hands on Ryan. 

"Why 'ya with him, dude? He ain't got nothing compared to me." One said, trying to put his arm around Ryan. I know the lad can defend himself, so I only watched, waiting to see if I would need to do anything.

"Um, no. I'm perfectly fine, thanks." Ryan said, shoving the guy's arm off of him. Then, I DID have to step in, but not aggressively. 

The guy growled as the rest of his friends muttered harsh words and were laughing at Ryan for being a gentleman in the situation. One came up to try and bow up on me, but I only glared at him, forcing my sharp green eyes to pierce into his with clear dominance. He backed off instantly.

I turned my attention back to Ryan, who was trying to keep the one guy off of him. 

"I think it's best if you leave us alone, mate." He said and I glared daggers at the rest of the group to keep them at bay. But the next thing I knew, the guy had Ryan pinned to the shelf behind us. He said something I couldn't hear, but I didn't need to. 

Putting a tight hand on the guy's shoulder, I spun him around sharply to face me, causing him to lose balance a bit. I said nothing, but let go of his shoulder and turned away. Ryan and I began to walk away, with me placing a protective arm around the chestnut's waist. I heard the guys laugh, but I didn't care.

A few minutes later, Ryan and I were on another aisle, trying to find something that we offered to get for Lewis while we were out. I heard the annoying laugh and noticed the same group of guys as before making their way toward us. 

I pretended to not see them as I gingerly (no put intended) took a step back and removed my hoodie, exposing the large muscles that proudly lined my arms. My tattoo streaked down my left arm clearly, the Illuminati symbol on my hand now prominent to the group, who'd stopped a few feet away. They looked at each other and backed off slowly a few more feet, then quickly turned to leave. 

Needless to say, we never ran into them again.

8-BitLove: Bazamalam x 8-BitRyanWhere stories live. Discover now