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1) Still Ryan's P.O.V



The next day was really busy. Will and Sofia were constantly receiving calls from Chloe as well as texts. They ignored them for as long as they could, eventually having to turn their phones on silent and checking at certain times to see if they'd missed anything from friends. Baz and I, on the other hand, were running all over the house while trying to get everything together for this afternoon. We were closing on the house today and we needed all of the paperwork we could get, including personal documents and our drivers licenses (which we always have on us anyway) and stuff like that. 

"Where's the house brochure?" Baz asked, flipping through a stack of papers on the counter. Sofia checked on the shelf under the T.V. while Will searched the 8-BitGaming office. Trying to remember where I'd put it, I leaned against the counter, blankly scanning the mess on the marble top. Racking through my hazed memory, I soon remembered where I'd set it down. 

"I think I know where it is." I said, running upstairs to mine and Baz's room. I stopped short in the door as my head fought against me, trying to stress me out by thinking I'd moved it since I brought it in here. 

'Now... where did I.....?'  I asked myself, glancing around the room. I soon caught sight of a white corner hanging from the dresser. As I moved toward it, my heart raced; as this was the last thing we needed for today. Holding my breath, I picked it up and flipped it over (it was faced down), then sighed with relief. 

"Babe! I found it!" I announced, receiving a call back from everyone else.

"Praise the Lord!" Baz said and I heard the tension leave his voice.

It was then when I noticed something else on the dresser- a note.


I just recently discovered that your boyfriend isn't as loyal as he may appear. You love him with everything you have, don't you? He's your world, isn't he? But apparently, he doesn't feel the same about you. You see, I've noticed him with someone else. A girl who's associated with one of your friends. I've seen him around town with her and at first, I thought they were maybe family... but when I saw them kissing outside the cafe, I knew it was more than that. 

I just wanted to make you aware of us, because Ryan has decided to be with me instead. It's not my fault he cheated, but I guess he just loves me more. Stay out of our way if you know what's good for you.


"What?" I whispered to myself. Chloe wants Baz to think I'm cheating on him? What kind of crap is she on? I then got an idea. I was aware of the risks that I was taking, but I needed to let Baz know about this instead of hiding it. I folded the note in half and held it at my side before calling his name. "Ryan?"

The conversation downstairs silenced as I said his actual name instead of his nickname. A minute later, I heard footsteps coming towards the room. Baz looked confused and worried as he spoke.

"Yeah? Is everything alright?"

'Here we go...'

"Ryan, before I show this-" I held up the note. "-I just want you to know that I would never do any of this to you. You're everything to me and more."

"Babe, what are you going on about?" He asked, running a hand through his hair and nervously laughing to hide his concern.

"This is a note from Chloe. She was here during the night I guess and left it. She really wants us apart." I said, handing him the note as my heart raced with anxiety. What would he do? Would he believe that I would never cheat on him? This whole day just got even more stressful....

As he read it, his eyes were filled with concern. He folded it up and tossed it on the bed, watching it fall as if it was the most satisfying thing he'd ever seen. I felt my chest tighten as anxiety overwhelmed me. I would never cheat on anyone, but I don't have to worry about that because I don't want to be with just anyone. I want to be with Baz... and I hope he sees that. I dropped my head and shook it, gazing at the floor. 

"Baz I-"

"Hey, look at me Ryan." He lifted my head back up to meet his captivating green eyes. They didn't hold concern anymore, but gentleness and reassurance. "I don't believe that note for a second... except for one thing..."

I held my breath. What did  he believe? 

"W-what's that?" 

He could tell I was nervous and laughed, which somehow eased my tension a bit.

"I do believe the first part of it. She had that whole part right." He said and I was confused, but soon remembered what it had said. "You are  everything to me. You are  my world." 

Baz's lips caught mine passionately, his hands snaking onto my waist. I rested mine on the tops of his shoulders and felt my body relax. Baz always has a way of calming my nerves, even in times like this. His lips glided swiftly with mine, as if every movement they made caused another bundle of stress to leave my body and if that was they case, Baz wanted me to be completely stress free. His hands gripped my sides tighter as we pulled away and he left a small kiss on my cheek. 

"How did I get so lucky with you?" I asked as I felt a small tear streak from my eye. Baz looked at me with a fake-shocked face.

"I'm the one that should be asking that, not you. I don't deserve you, yet here I am. Out of everyone we would've chosen, we ended up with each other. I'd call that a blessing." He said as we rested our heads on each other's, enjoying the peace that filled the silence.

"I love you, Ryan." I said, resting a hand on the lower corner of his head. 

"I love you more baby."

We stayed that way for another minute before heading back downstairs. 


"Do we have everything?" I asked as Baz ran downstairs, sliding his head through his 8-BitGaming HORROR hoodie. 

"I think so, yeah." He said. Will came down behind him and handed Sofia her phone as she helped us get everything together. 

"This goes with the house." She said, handing Baz another paper. She sped the process up a lot, which would've easily taken us 2 hours alone to get everything sorted out ourselves.

"Why can't we have her around all the time?" I joked, earning a rise of laughter from everyone. Once everything was squared away, we started for the door. Mack jumped from the couch as Bailey trotted to the door, trying to follow us out. 

"Stay here girl." Baz said as he shut the door behind him. We split off from Will and Sofia as they got into Sofia's car. They were going to do other things while Baz and I were at the realtor's.

---Time Skip Bc Closing On A House Is Boring--

"Alright guys." The agent said. "I think that is the last of it."  

Baz sighed with relief and I smiled, knowing we were finally done with the stressful part of the move. As the serious part was over, we started talking about other things while waiting for the previous homeowners to arrive. 

"So are you two related?" The agent asked and we laughed, shaking our heads. 

"No, we're together." I said and Baz nodded. 

"Oh, I gotcha." The agent said, not seeming to really mind it. "What do you two do?"

"We're YouTubers." Baz answered. "And Ryan was actually a drum teacher until about 4 years ago." He looked at me as if to ask if he'd gotten it right.

"Let's see... I stopped teaching at 21.... yeah about 4 years." I nodded. 

That was when the previous homeowners came in. We spoke briefly but they couldn't stay long. They had somewhere else to be, so they did all of their jazz and handed us two keys to the house. 

"It's all yours. Thank you." The woman said as they left. We left soon after and met with Will and Sofia at 5 Guys. We showed them the keys and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

'Finally, we'll be safe.'   

8-BitLove: Bazamalam x 8-BitRyanWhere stories live. Discover now