Chapter 7

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*the next day*

Ten had woke up before the other just like everyday. He looked to his side to see johnny laying there right next to hin, not wanting to wake him up he carefully took Johnny's arm off from around his waist and went to the bathroom. Ten had took a shower but he still didn't feel good after last night so he called his parents to ask if he could go and stay with his original pack for a day just to stay away from johnny but also because he always wanted to go back home when he wasn't feeling good.

Ten had packed some clothes and left a note on the night stand on johnnys side of the bed and had left quietly.

*two hours later*

Johnny had been woken up by jaehyun. Jaehyun had came upstairs to wake johnny up to come eat breakfast and to see if ten was there because as said it was unusual to not be woken up by him.

"Where's ten?"- jaehyun "he's not downstairs?" Johnny asked looking at a confused jaehyun "no we thought he slept in today"- jaehyun "i don't know then ask the others if they've seen him" johnny told jaehyun "alright but hurry and come eat before one of the others eat it" jaehyun said looking back before walking out

"Where is ten" johnny thought

Johnny layed back down rolling to the side then turned to his night stand to check his phone but he saw a paper and picked it up

I'm guessing you just woke up and found this while looking for your phone i left to go home i wanted to see my parents but I'll be back in a few days if you need anything i have my phone with me but I'll probably not have it on me so I'll call or text you later.

                             ~ Ten

"Oh great he went to see his parents" johnny thought

Johnny went downstairs and ate his breakfast then went to his office room to get some work done he promised the pack three off days but he wanted to do work since ten was gone. In the middle of working johnny stopped and started asking himself why did ten decide to go back to his home he didn't really do that unless he and johnny were arguing about something they didn't want to talk about. Johnny just got his phone out and called ten.

*three rings later*


Who is this- Johnny

Im kai ten's cousin- kai

Where is ten?- johnny

He left with sehun not to long ago i think they went swimming near the waterfalls all of us are about to go there- kai

So he left with someone?- Johnny

Yeah but don't worry sehun is a alpha he could protect ten- kai

Umm when is he gonna be back?- Johnny

I don't know but we made plans with ten for everyday he's staying with us but like i said don't worry he'll be fin- kai hurry we need to go someone said in the distance i have to go I'll tell him you called though- kai

*call ended*

Johnny thought ten would be fine since he was with his cousin and he said he left to see his parents so he thought nothing was wrong with spending time with family

*two days later*

Johnny was feeling a little hurt and a little mad because ten hadn't called him back or texted him and he called ten again but it was someone else who answered and said ten was out for the day. Johnny didn't mind ten being with his family but he did have another pack that he was originally from and Johnny didn't really know the pack members other than Sorn,Lizzie tens parents which were chanyeol and baekhyun and now kai who said he was tens cousin but the person who answered the phone saying ten was with another alpha made johnny a little jealous and he was worried about ten because he didn't mark him and he was an unmated omega but what made johnny mad was that ten seemed to be around a lot of alphas and betas and not really around omegas.

*with ten*

"Why are you ignoring him" asked taemin tens bestfriend "because well i don't know why but i just don't want to talk to him"- ten "let's just ride some rides and get you tired out you said you weren't feeling good staying there so let's have all the fun we can while your with us"- kai "yeah we haven't seen you in a while so enjoy your time with us"- lay

They were at the amusement park in the city and spent the whole day there and got home by midnight and were all exhausted but had a very fun day together

*the next day*

Ten had plans again but just with taemin. They were going to the mall to shop and then taemin was taking ten to look around the city.

"So why are you being like this to johnny" taemin asked knowing ten never really ignored anyone for no reason "I'm just tired of staying there he doesn't really give me any attention even when he's not working"- ten "so your trying to prove a point by showing him how you feel"- taemin "exactly"- ten "but why ignore him"- taemin "mostly because i don't want to talk to him but then again i miss him but im trying to prove my point like you said and im mad at him so I'm giving him the silent treatment but he doesn't know that"- ten "Where's your phone?"- taemin "i left it he's been calling me so i figured just leave it and let the others answer it"- ten "what if he comes over looking for you?" Taemin asked "then he'll be waiting till i get home and then he'll wait till after i sleep and then we leave the next day so i can avoid him" ten said so casually "just tell him you want a kid like taeil and im pretty sure he'll give you what you want"- taemin "we've been together for almost six years and we're not mated do you think o get what i want" ten asked looking at taemin unbelievably "SIX YEARS" taemin yelled right out on the street "oh no this wont do what have you guys been doing if you are taking it slow this is to slow" taemin said "well then i guess were going to slow"- ten said looking at the ground thinking of his relationship aith johnny "okay you know what forget about him for today and let's talk about this tomorrow because to me it seems like you guys wont mate until your thirty"- taemin

Marked ~ JohnTenWhere stories live. Discover now