Special Kun chapter pt.1

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Kun chapter

When he heard the first moan kun got up grabbing his headphones and phone walking out the front door.

He was an omega so it wasn't really safe for him to leave the house by himself but he wanted to leave the house for as long as he could so he wouldn't have to hear what was happening.

Chenle and Jisung ran out of the house chasing after kun to leave with him. So did the other mates with their babies.

Kun was walking behind the two young mates while they were holding hands and talking to eachother he just followed silently enjoying the fresh wind that was blowing on the sunny day.

Kun stopped in place and took a big sniff of the air. For some reason he felt like something was going to happen. He tried to brush it off but the feeling just stayed with him.

Kun stopped again when he smelt something so good he couldn't even describe it made him feel like he wanted to smell it more like he was addicted to the scent. He was looking aroung trying to find the smell when his wold started getting excited yelling mate mate.

He stopped dead in his tracks he didn't know what to say or how to feel he has been waiting for this moment all his life his eyes filled with tears of joy but he didn't know where this mate of his was.

"Hyung are you ok" jisung ask as he walked up to kun who he noticed was not behind him and chenle anymore "umm yeah I'm fine, I'm just looking around" he replied to the younger "do you want to sit down anywhere" chenle asked as he saw his older brother looking like he saw a ghost. Kun nodded then the three sat at a picnic table close by.

MATE MATE his wolf yelled as if his mate was really close by. Kun looked aroung anxously scanning the people around he saw one boy looking around as if he were looking for someone but thought that the male was looking for his friends and ignored it.

Kun subconsciously got up as his wolf was starting to take control of him. Kun found himself walking in the direction he saw the very attractive man.

Kun started running towards the male and the male was running towards him too. They both stopped as they were now standing right infront of eachother. Kun looked up into his wide shining eyes and looked over the males features and boy was he the most attractive man that kun has ever seen.

Who do you think Kuns mate is.

Not trying to spoil it but I'm bringing someone into this story.

Hint hint idk if y'all will get it.

Until next time bye bye~

Marked ~ JohnTenWhere stories live. Discover now