Running Away

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Please read the other story under the same name! I am rewriting the five books into a proper series!


Freak, loser and weirdo were the few of the words that I had heard the great people in my school use when they talked about me. It wasn't my fault that my parents didn't want me. They abandoned me in a forest when I was just a baby. But I guess that people just wanted to pick on someone and I was their poster girl.

I hadn't been able to stay with one family for more than a year, always moving from foster home to foster home. I guess that was why I had problems with getting attached to people, which then lead to trust issues.

It's easier to not care at all than caring too much and getting heartbroken or disappointed in the end. I learnt that in an earlier stage of my life. 

I was five-years old and I was finally feeling normal at a home, but the minute I felt that way, something happened that resulted in me leaving the family. I faced that a lot, which was why I came to the decision to never get attached until I was certain that I wouldn't get hurt.

I wasn't having the best of time at the last foster house I was in. The children - two boys - were not my fans and didn't lose any opportunity to mess around with my things to make my life worse than it already was. That made me carry all my belongings, which fit inside a duffel bag to school and back.

School was not any better. It was like being in Hell. The children bullied me in the hallway and gave me long looks which would make me want to go over and punch them. But I couldn't do that, now could I? Because that was the only form of bullying acceptable for the school.

My only friend was Cassie Rajput, until she left town due to her father's promotion. Things got worse than they usually were because of that. Cas was the only one stopped me from getting into fights and who would stand up for me. I guess she was sort of my guardian angel.

Enough about my depressing life. 

One thing you should know about me is that I can't sit still while someone else gets bullied. I usually prevented the younger children from getting bullied and if anyone was crying or eating alone, I would join them and try to help by talking with them. It worked most of the times and my juniors felt free to talk with me. 

I might have been the freak of the school. But at least I wasn't an ignorant freak.

On the last day that I was in school, something happened that I never thought would. I stood up to the biggest bully in high school - Jonathan Briggs. He was my senior and the kid from the rich family who had a powerful father, which made him think that he owned everyone and everything around him. 

He was bullying one of the juniors and when I saw that it might lead to a physical fight between them, I stepped in. "Hey!" I screamed at him with all my energy.

"Little miss Adams." He said, turning around. It was one of the names that people tried to taunt me with. They didn't usually get to me but the following events triggered my anger.

"Let him go."

Jonathan let David's shirt collar loose who then fell to the ground. I looked at him to make sure that he was okay. David understood that and nodded at me. I gave him a polite smile as he got up and ran away.

"Little miss Adams always wants to be the hero because hey, no one will be one for her." Jonathan spoke as I tried walking away from him.

" Jonathan spoke as I tried walking away from him

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