Wish Fulfilled

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That night, I worked on some sketches to give to Claire. She was impressed with my other sketches and told me that she was going to use those designs. I was more than delighted when she told me that, because it meant that it was good.

I also worked on my painting on the deal that I made with Caspian. It was almost midnight and I was about to go meet him when there was a knock on my door. I frowned. "Who could that be?" I wondered. I know this will be embarrassing but I danced to the door and opened it. "Caspian!

"I am deeply sorry for coming here at this hour." He was standing outside with a lamp in his hand.

"Is everything okay? I was just about to come."

"Here." He handed me a card.

"What is it?" I asked as I took it from him.

"It's....the first invitation to the ball." 

I was thankful for the night time. I really did not want him to see my blush. "You didn't have to that." I smiled as I took it from him and admired the fonts. I walked into my room and rested the card on the vase that stood on my bedside table. It looked so aesthetic when the moonlight beamed off of it.

I walked back to the door when Caspian spoke. "I need you to come with me." It looked like he was in a hurry. There was a certain determination in his voice.

"Are you okay? You look a little tensed, I guess?"

"Time is running out, Sophie." 

"Oh okay." He held out his arm and I looked at it questioningly, but his eyes spoke for him. Trust me, they spoke. 

I put my hand in his and he started to walk out, leading me through the way. He started walking hurriedly down the staircase as I followed him. "Where are we going?" 

"Ssh." He said as he continued running down the stairs.

"If we're going somewhere important, I should have changed for it." I was wearing sweatpants and my favourite black hoodie. From the way he was acting, it looked like it was something important to him.

"You're perfect." 

Somehow, I blushed. He wasn't dressed like we were going somewhere important either. He was wearing a loose tunic and pants. But the determination in his eyes....it will be alright, Sophie. You could trust him.

We reached the castle doors. He let go of my hand and that was when I realised that he had held onto it for so long. He opened the castle doors and walked out. I followed him into the empty courtyard. There was a fountain in the centre.

"What are we doing here?"

"Any minute now." He said, looking up at the endless sky.

"Caspian." I held onto his arms as he started to worry. "What are we doing here?"

"Do you trust me?" He asked as he held my arms as well. I was suddenly quite aware of the fact that we were completely alone and that we were standing very close to each other, closer than I usually let people be around me.


"Please answer it. Do you trust me?" 

I didn't need to think about it. "I do. But what are we...." A drop of water fell on my nose and he smiled. The small drop of water soon turned into a heavy pour of rain. "What!" 

He started to move backwards to let me enjoy the moment. "You can take this off your wish list then."

I couldn't believe that I was getting wet in the rain. My clothes and hair were getting wet in the pitter patter drops of the rain. I savoured that moment for some time before I moved forward and hugged Caspian. It was the first time I did it, and yes, I did feel safe. "Thank you. So much." 

The Lost Legacy (#1)Where stories live. Discover now