The Forest

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Caspian's health improved very quickly and Evelyn's medicine had a huge role to play in that. We met each other one morning in the courtyard as I tried to finish the painting beside the fountain. "Good morning." He wished me as he approached.

"Good morning." I wished back and closed the painting.

"Is that a painting?" He pointed to the parchment in my hand.

"Yes." I peeked into it and examined it for a few seconds. I looked at him coming towards me and had an idea. "Could you please stand there and stay still for a minute?"

"What?" He looked confused but stopped walking as per my request.

I looked up and he was exactly in the right position. "Don't move." I said and continued working. I took my brush and frantically noted down the details that I had forgotten. I didn't know how I had missed it.

"What is it?" 

"Just a second." I added the final touches that I knew I was missing. "Done!" I set the pencil down and admired the painting. It was really good but I could see my sleep-deprived self in it.

"Can I move now?" He looked confused but amused.

"Yes. Thank you." I bowed my head.

"I just asked Nina whether I could go to the Shuddering Woods today." He started as I packed my art kit.

"What did she say?"

"She was a little strict about my going immediately after recovering but she did tell me to tell you that she would prefer it if you accompanied me."

I couldn't believe that Nina said that. "She did?" I mean, she did know that I was excited about being in Narnia and finding new places here, but I couldn't believe that she placed an ultimatum in front of Caspian that involved me.

"I told her that I was going to show you around anyway, and she told me that this was the perfect opportunity for it. I agree with her."

"Great!" I exclaimed as I picked my sketchbook up. "I'll just keep these back in my room."

"Was that part of the deal?" He asked me as I rolled the paper in my hand.

"I don't know what you are talking about." 

He smirked, understanding that I was trying to keep it a secret. "Meet me at the stables." He informed before climbing down the staircase towards the stables.

I kept the art supplies in my room and made my way to the stables. Mr. Henry and Caspian were talking to each other. There were two horses. Caspian was holding the saddle of his horse and Mr. Henry was holding the saddle of....

"Thomas!" I exclaimed as I approached them.

"Good morning, Sophie." Mr. Henry tipped his hat.

"What!" I exclaimed happily as I stroked Thomas' face. He really calmed down when I did that and I loved seeing him like that.

"I thought you might like to take him out today." Caspian informed me.

"Thank you!" I laughed. My emotions got the best of me but I was super excited. "This is amazing!" I had to close my mouth to keep myself from squealing.

"You two have a good day." Mr. Henry said and walked inside the stables.

"Shall we?" Caspian asked.

I bowed my head at him. "We shall." I got onto Thomas and Caspian adjusted my seat. But doing so, he clenched his jaw for some reason. "Thank you." 

He climbed onto his horse, Destrier and off we went into the forest to meet Narnians. Thomas was faster than Destrier and I had to whisper for him to slow down because Caspian was the one leading the way. "We don't want to get lost, buddy." I told him.

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