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After breakfast got over, I strolled the hallway with the Professor. He told me that we could start lessons right away if I wanted to and of course, I wanted to. He explained the schedule that I was going to have to follow and told me how my studies would go from then on.

"I may wake you up in the middle of the night for Astronomy. So please do not mind it."

"Curiosity never sleeps." 

There were so many subjects that I had to learn but I knew that I would never get bored. All of them sounded so interesting - History, Geography, Astronomy, Art, Archery, Alchemy, Cosmography, Rhetoric, Heraldry, Physics and Music.

I was wondering about what Physics would hold for me but unlike our world, Narnian Physics was pretty easy and really cool! We didn't have much of theory and it was similar to the subject that I had learnt.

"Will I learn how to sword fight?" I asked as we made our way to the first lesson in the Library. "I wanted to ask Trumpkin whether he would teach me but if I'm going to learn Archery as you mentioned before...."

"You can learn swordsmanship if you want to." He said. "I didn't think that you would want to, which is why I opted for Archery."

"Oh, I really want to." It was very exciting for me. "Archery has always fascinated me but wielding a blade would never go for a waste, right? Especially now that I'm living here."

"I'll ask Trumpkin today. I'm sure that he would be more than happy to teach you both."

We turned a corner and continued walking when I told Doctor Cornelius what I had been wanting to mention all the while. "Thank you, Professor. Thank you for everything."

"You do thank everyone a lot."

"I'm guessing that Trumpkin and Reepicheep told you." I blushed.

"And Nina." He said. "And most of the people in the castle." He chuckled.

"Professor, why is that everyone keeps staring at me?"

He looked at me and thought about how he should reveal the truth to me. "You're not the first person to come here from the Other World, Sophie." But before I could ask more, he added, "You'll learn about it in History. Don't worry."

We reached the Library and it was the most beautiful place that I had ever seen! "Woah!" I exclaimed.

It was a long room with many columns of books on either side of the room. There were shelves and shelves of books that covered the three sides of the room. There was a long table in the centre with some books stacked on it. I think Belle would be jealous because I had clearly won the competition. The Beast's library was nothing compared to King Caspian's.

The Professor started to pull some books out from some of the shelves and I helped him carry them to the nearby table. Looking at the hardbound books gave me instant serotonin. It was the best feeling ever. I brushed my fingers against the cover and had to hold back a laugh. I was used to borrowing books but the ones in the library that I had the honour of to stand in had books that looked brand new even though they were used for years. 

"What would you like to start first?" He asked me after we sat down but he already knew the answer. The look on my face said it all. "History?" I nodded eagerly.

The Professor started his teaching with the creation of Narnia. "Aslan created the world we live in."

The name 'Aslan' sent some positive vibrations inside me for the second time. I felt happy all of a sudden. I was smelling petrichor even though there was no rain. I experienced warmth and a tingling sensation in my hands. A cold feeling pursed through my veins and I was floating. I thought I heard the sound of sea waves crashing against rocks as well, which was very strange.

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