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Ryujin's POV
"So how was your day going, Yeji?" I asked her while we both are doing homework.

"It's great, Yeonjun is really a nice guy. How bout you? I heard that you, and Beomgyu paired up today." she smirked.

"Well yeah, you don't need to smirk." I glared at her, and she just laughed. "We got paired up since my partner, and his partner were absent."

"Well, how is he?"

"Ugh, he's fine."

"Just fine?"

"What do you want me to say then?"

"Can't you describe him like 'he's awesome', 'he's cute', 'he's hot'. I mean he is isn't he?"

"Err.. I guess?"

"Psh.. Ryujin... There's no problem in describing a boy that way"

"Paleezzz, you girls make it that there is something going on when I describe a guy that way" I rolled my eyes.

"Haha, okay just this time, do you describe him that way?"

"Fine, well yeah he is. Don't react! I'm just describing him"

"Chill. I wasn't going to. I just wanna hear your opinion" She laughed.

*knock knock*

"Who could that be?"

I head to open the door, and it was the girls.

"Hey Unnie!" Yuna waved.

"What brings you girls here in this hour?" I asked while they walked to the sofa.

"Nothing. We were just bored" Says Lia.

"How bout doing homework?"

"We just did. Then there's nothing else we could do." sighed Chaeryoung.

"How bout we watch a movie?" Suggested Yuna.

"I'm fine with it" Says Yeji. "You go buy the snacks."

"Alright. Lia, Chaeryeong you girls come with me" I said, and wore my jacket.



We head out of the school, and went to the nearest convenient store, and bought the snacks.

"Hey, can we buy popcorn?" Lia asked.

"Yeah, sure"

Chaeryeong's POV
"Hmm?? What drink should I get myself?" I mumbled to myself.

Ooh, peach flavored juice. Exactly what I want.

As I reached my hand to take the juicebox, a hand grabbed mine. When I look at the person it was..

"Chaeryeong! Annyeong!"

"Taehyun! Sorry, do you want it?"

"Oh, you like peach flavored too?" he asked while he handed the juice box, and took another box for his own.

"Well yeah."

"Great, it's my favorite flavor too! Anyways, what brings you here?"

"Oh, we're just buying snacks since our maknae suggested in having a movie marathon. Haha you?"

"Our maknae suggested too haha. What a coincidence"

"Guess our maknaes have similar interests"

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