

Who's this?

Can't you recognize my beautiful voice? It's Yeonjun

Oh Yeonjun- wait, how did you get my number?

Oh, Ryujin gave me your number.

Yeji glared at Ryujin who was on her phone, and Ryujin mouthed her 'what?'

Okay, what do you want?

Are you free tomorrow after school?

We have club time you know

Well yeah but after that.

Uhm yeah. Why? Are you asking me out?

Wow. Well yeah if you'd like, can we hang out tomorrow?

And where exactly are you taking me?

Well where do you wanna go?

I don't know. You're the one asking me out.

Then how bout we catch a movie. Fine with you?

Sure. But you're paying.

Of course. So tomorrow then after club meeting. Bye Yeji~

"Yah! Why did you give him my phone number?" she glared at Ryujin.

"Well he begged me for it."


*knock knock*

"Unnieeee~" Chaeryeong, and Yuna danced as they enter the room.

"Yah, you know we have a quiz tomorrow right?" Ryujin uttered.

"Yeahhhh, and you know we don't know English sooo Unnie please teach us juseyuuuuuuu~~~" begged Yuna.

"Where's Lia then?" Yeji asked.

"Only God knows where. Come on Unnieee~ aren't you gonna study too?"

"I'm done studying. But fine, come here"


After 2 hours, Lia barged into the room exhausted, and plopped down the sofa.

"Yah, do you know how to knock?"

"What's wrong with you?" Ryujin asked.

"Yeah where have you been all day?"

"Bread boy." she replied.

"Who the hell is that?" Chaeryeong asked.

"Soobin." she groaned, and sat up. "That son of a btch"

"Seriously the hell's wrong with you two?" Ryujin raised an eyebrow.

"That bastard! I don't even know why he hates me in the first place!"

"Hates you? Why would he suddenly hate you?" Yuna asked.

"Yeah, how are you even sure he hates you?" Yeji asked while opening a bag of chips. "Anddd why are you even with him if he hates you?"

"Oh give me some Unnie." Yuna approached Yeji and asked for chips.

"Well, because of this YUNA!..." she emphasizes her name.


"I manage to become his student which I mostly hate in the world because of having a rude tutor.... Ughhh..."

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