✨🔪 best of buds ✨🔪

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Joe couldn't help himself. The poor defenseless kitten was going to get hurt by those dogs, so he did what any good citizen would do and he scared off the dogs that were about to attack the kitten. The small ball of fur meowed and pawed at Joe's pants once those dogs were gone, it's orange fur was covered in dirt and grime and one of its eyes were missing. "Oh you poor baby, don't worry I'm going to get you cleaned up."

Taking the small kitten back to his apartment joe he given it a bath which it seemed to really enjoy, then afterwards he wrapped it in one of his spare towels and sat it on the couch in the living room.

"Now what to name you," joe says more to himself then to the kitten but it still replies by letting out a handful of meows.

A knock at the front door alerts joe of his girlfriends arrival, he had forgotten she was coming over today and she was also bringing her dog Pebbles over.

"Fuck," joe gets up and opens the door with a crack, "Hey babe, now isn't not really a good time."

"None sense babe," his girlfriend (y/n) says pushing her way in gentl, pebbles following in after its owner. Joe curses himself softly for not trying harder and shuts the door behind him.

"Babe -"

Joe eyes land on his girlfriend who's eyes were locked on the small orange kitten. "Joe, what's that?"

"Uh...that is actually a good question... you see my neighbor he needed someone to watch his cat," joe lies.

"You don't have any neighbors with cats joe," (y/n) replies her eyes never once leaving its small frame. Luckily pebbles was a obedient dog and listened to his owner when she had told them to sit, "Joe explain...now!"

"Okay so look this little guy -"

The kitten meows at joe.

"Little girl, she was going to be attacked by some dogs in the alleyway near Molleys and I couldn't have that. So...I scared the dogs away and took her in. She was shaking for goodness sake and I couldn't just leave her out there in the god, she's small and defenseless.

"But what about pebbles!? He's a large dog baby, what if he accidentally steps on her or even worse thinks she's a crew toy and nimble on her limbs!"

Joe looks down at the large dog - pebbles was a rather large dog having been a doberman dog species. "Pebbles is obedient. He would never harm anyone unless told you, sure he's a guard dog but he's also a ball of fluff that likes cuddles and pancakes." Joe says.

"Don't forget pancakes," (y/n) mumbles still worried about her dog accidentally hurting the small creature.

"That too!" Joe laughs. "Don't worry babe just introduce the two and I'm sure everything will be alright and dandy."

"Fine," (y/n) creeps closer to the small kitten who meows at her once she sits down beside it, calling pebbles over the large dog creeps over slowly following his owners earlier actions. Sniffing the small kitten before sneezing all over it the kitten meows and licks it nose. "See nothing bad is happening," joe says.

"Don't jinx it joe!"

Joe Goldberg ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now