✨🔪 steps to clear skin ✨🔪

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Authors Note: this is my actually skin care routine also on another note I'm eating two hot dog rolls with 2% milk

Joe sat on the toilet seat in the bathroom staring up almost innocently at his girlfriend, she had her facial brush, some African Black Soap, a bottle of witch hazel, pack of cotton balls, and a jar of noxzema.

"You use all of these products?" Joe questions eyes sweeping over each items.

"Yes babe I do, the African Black Soap is to clean my face, sometimes I use it for my body if I break out randomly in bumps but I mainly use it for my face," (y/n) says.

"Can I...try?" Joe asks in a almost shy tone.

"You want to try it? I mean you're skins already clear so it wouldn't really be of us to you," (y/n) strugs.

"No not for me, for you. You say that you use it and I was wondering if I could clean your face for you while you walk me through the steps." Joe says.

(Y/n) outweighs the pros and the cons, on one hand joe would learn her skincare routine - he can't fuck it up cause she's the one who's going to telling him what to do...pro. Cons...there weren't any, unless he used her facial brush to long is one spot then her face would become unimaginable sensitive and sore but that was about it.

"Alright I'll bite but you gotta listen to my instructions. Understood?!"

Joe nods his head and stands to his feet, him being a couple of inches taller then his girlfriend he looks down at her with a smile.
"Of course."

"Alright -" stepping out of the way (y/n) gives joe space to step in front of the sink. "First things first set the water somewhere between hot and cold - warm per day but may sure it's a bit more hotter then cold."

Joe nods and begins to turn the handles on either side of the sink checking the water water every now and then until he finds the right temperature. "Do you wanna check -"

Shaking her head (y/n) replies, "No I trust you got it right. Now then, grab the facial brush and run it under the water for a few seconds before running it over the African black soap, make sure only a little brown is on the brush before running it under the water again and then run it over the soap again until the brown tone darkens."

Following her word joe picks up the small pink brush, if it didn't have the brush head connected to it he would've thought it was a small vibrator. Wetting the brush for three seconds joe then places it down to open the small baggies containing the soap, he wondered what happened to the wrap it came in, shaking those thoughts away joe rubs the brush over the soap just like his girlfriend tell him to before checking to make sure it was brown in color - he runs it under the water again before running it over the soaps head again.

While he was doing that (y/n) was wetting her face with her rag, "Now what?" Joe asks.

"Now you press the little button in the center of the brush, it'll start moving and spinning so don't be alarmed and I guess you just go over my face with it don't stray to close to my eyes, get the spot between my eyebrows and the tip of my nose, clean in the comers and the rest of my face until there's a good layer of soap on it but make sure not to stay to long in one spot. I have sensitive skin and if you do it can cause a tear in my skin irritating it further more and causing my skin to be sore and burn.

Joe eyes widened with the new information - he didn't want to hurt his girlfriend. Who knew washing your face with a facial brush was so dangerous, making quick work he begins to clean her face staring from her cheeks first before working his way around and across the face, he never stayed to long in one spot no more then fifth - teen seconds before moving on from one spot to another, finally her face was clean...but it was now soapy.

"Take the rag and clean off the remaining soap."

Joe nods and grabs the rag from the sink only to rub it across the cheeks wiping away the soap from her face. Once that was all done he grabs the witch hazel bottle, "You use this for toner right?"

(Y/n) smirks at the male, "Right on point, use tree cotton ball and wet them with the witch hazel then rub it across my whole face, again avoid the eyes."

Nodding joe pops the witch hazel bottle cap open he opens the bag of cotton balls taking three of the small balls before spraying a hefty amount of witch hazel on it and begins to clean over her now dry face with it. "Noxzeme is the very last thing you put on me, you only need about a inch of two of it on your finger tips, spread it out across my face before rubbing it in. Start from the sides - my cheeks, then rub the upper and lower part of my face, my forehead and chin then whatever cream is left on those areas rub inbetween.

Joe listens to her every word, once he was finished with the witch hazel and cotton balls he threw away the used ones and closed both items. Opening the jar of noxzeme he was taken aback by the smell of the cream, 'The price of beauty,' he thinks to himself.

'If only you saw yourself through my eyes you would find that you're perfect the way you are.'
Using his index and middle finger he scopes up a bit of the noxzeme onto his fingers, spotting medium dots of the cream on her face he starts with her cheeks then her forehead and chin, but some was still left, only a little really so it dots her nose. "Perfect," he whispers with a small smile. "If you weren't all dotted up I would kiss you," he says.

"Rub the cream and you'll be able to kiss me afterwards." (Y/n) says. Taking both of his hands joe runs small circles on her cheeks where the cream was at making sure to spread it out to the surrounding area, he does her forehead and chin next watching as the cream disappeared into his skin before running the final dotted spot - which was on her nose.

"Perfect," she says before pulling him into a kiss.

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