Chapter Two

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2nd April 2020


After the events of yesterday I didn't sleep at all last night, just sobbed quietly into my pillow as all of my feelings fell on my pillowcase.

"Scarlett are you ready for school, honey?" My mother softly calls through the door.

When I came home last night my mother had caught my red, puffy eyes but never asked for an explanation. I gave her a soft smile in gratitude then crawled up the stairs and never returned downstairs for dinner. Someone knocked on my door and left a plate of food but I couldn't find it in me to pick it up to fill my stomach up.

There was no intention of me caring about anyone anymore, all I cared about now were my parents and Sean. No one mattered anymore. If I didn't matter to the only person who was supposed to care about me and love me then I wasn't going to use my energy to care and love anyone else.

"Yes Mummy." I whispered. Talking above a whisper will only make my emotions crawl up my throat and I didn't want to start crying because I know I won't be able to stop if I started. I could hear the rubbing of her slippers against the floors. She knows in this situation not to ask anymore questions, especially when I call her 'mummy', which is only when I am really hurt or I show her gratitude and at this moment in time it's both.

I sigh as I pull on my shoes, I grab my bag that has been sitting on my desk since yesterday and stumble out of my room. I don't have the energy or the mind of going into school, but I have to try if I'm going to get over this situation.

I walk past the kitchen, not saying a word to anyone and make my way to the keys. I take the keys from the hook and unlock the car to wait for Sean to finish his breakfast without the harassing questions from my family.

After a few moments Sean walks out and makes his way to the drivers side of the car. Without a word he starts the car and we make the drive to school, the silence isn't awkward it was calming with low music playing in the background.

Once at our destination I hopped out of the car, still not saying anything. I slammed the door shut and looked up. I regretted that decision because I saw Savannah come out of Jason's car, she moved to the other side of the car door so she could easily shut the door. Before the door shut I saw a glimpse of Jason. His hair was sticking in all different directions. I couldn't take a look at his eyes since he didn't move his head from looking ahead and in the angel I'm in I can't see into his rear view mirror. Savannah made her way towards my direction, probably to talk to Sean before she heads into start school, behind her I see Jason's car zoom off.

I started walking towards the building. Through the corner of my eyes I could see my four best friends but I couldn't make my body walk in their direction or tell them how hurt I am on the inside. The real reason I couldn't stand to be around them is because Chrissy and Martin are now sucking each other's faces off and I can't look at that right now or hear Chrissy explain why she is the way she is with Martin and vice versa, like she does on the daily.

She got lucky. She found a mate who only wants to be around her or as she explained it, 'the only person who you want to touch, breathe and kiss.' That's how I feel about Jason, but he wants nothing to do with me. I'm too weak and I'm too slow in his mind.

I hear faint voices in the background and I know my friends are yelling for my attention, but everything around me feels so far away. I ignore everyone around me and walk in the opposite direction of the school.

I can't do this today.I know my mother will be home alone, so I can talk to her and she can give me her advice. Lost in though I arrived at the doorstep of my house before I knew it.

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