Chapter Fourteen

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4th April 2023

Jason's PoV

"You Scarlett, you're all I want." I couldn't stop myself any more so I kissed her. I've wanted to do this since I found out she was my mate on my birthday. Feeling her answer my kiss has to be the best feeling ever.

"You have to know how much you mean to me baby, I love you so much and I'm a complete idiot for listening to Sean but nothing will ever get in between us again, I promise you." I could feel her body melt into mine as if I just gave her a full dose of what she needed in order to live.

"I've not stopped thinking about you in the three years I've been gone Jason. You're all I've ever dreamed of. I don't care if this is too fast. It's now that I know you've always wanted me, I need you to make me your mate, fully." Hearing those precious words fall out of her mouth caused fire to spark in me.

"Once I do this there is no turning back. You will be mine forever and only mine, you hear me?" I growled lowly causing her body to tremble, my mate likes when I growl in her ear. Good to know. "You're mine, mate." I growled again getting the same reaction.

I turn her around so her back is pushed to my chest and start kissing the crook where her neck and shoulder meet. It didn't take long to hear a moan leave her gorgeous lips. I've been dying to hear her soft moans since the day I found out she was my mate. I grab onto her waist as she starts grinding up against me which is causing my wolf to go mental. My canines slowly extend from my gums and penetrates Scarlett's skin. A soft whimper left her mouth when my teeth punctured her skin but after a few seconds of pain she started moaning.

Roughly I turned her around and hungrily kissed her, she responded with equal amount of hunger. I couldn't help myself anymore, my wolf took control. It was all up hill from there.

A series of moans and groans, then we were fully mated. Finally I have Scarlett all for myself.

"My mate." My wolf purred, "I'm so in love with you." Scarlett looks at me with a sense of longing as if she has been waiting for so long to hear those words come out of my mouth. Knowing that I will have to tell her that every day for the rest of our lives. Nothing will ever get between us again.

"Nothing will ever get in between us ever again. I can promise you that. I will tell you how much I love you until the day that I die." I repeat my thoughts to her, needing her to know how serious I am about her now that we are fully mated.

"I love you too Jace." She smiled, my wolf howled internally. Our mate loves us. I am truly blessed to have her in my life.

"Let's go into the pack house. I would love to relive what we just did out here," I paused, bringing her into my arms and leaned into her ear to whisper, "in our bedroom. I will make you scream out my name until everyone in the pack house knows you are mine." I ran my hand down her arm feeling the way my words affected her through her skin. "By your reaction, I can tell you like the sound of that." Without a reply I picked her up in my arms and ran to my bedroom in the pack house. Kissing Scarlett with passion as we made our was to my door, with my elbow which held her legs I managed to open the door, "What is she doing in your arms?" I heard an angry voice.


I heard Scarlett whimper as she started to climb out of my embrace, but then she stood strong in front of me, "I am his mate. What are you doing in my mates room?" The authority in her words was enough to even have me crawl into the corner of the room, so when I saw Sasha flinch it caused a new sensation of love and pride for my mate.

"I am his mate. You left him so I had to pick up the pieces." I could see Scarlett start to shake and I could sense that it wasn't from fear, its from anger of Sasha bringing up the past.

"Scarlett, baby." I walked to where she stood and took hold of her shoulders, "Let me talk to her and clear the situation up. Go to Michelle and see how she is okay?" I whispered gently in her ear feeling her start to relax with my touch, slowly she nodded and gave me a quick kiss on my lips to show Sasha who I belong to, which I didn't complain about.

Once the door closed I looked at Sasha. I could tell she was upset about everything that just happened. Just a few hours ago I had announced her as my mate which caused her to believe I was in love with her, which would mean I wouldn't be able to go back to Scarlett but it seems like my wolf didn't feel that strong about Sasha as I thought he did.

"Sash, I am so sorry all this had to happen the way it did. My wolf took over and I couldn't stop him. I didn't want to stop him. I really truly thought that I was over her while we were together. I honestly thought that if she showed up I wouldn't care because I was in love with you, but it wasn't the case. I've been longing for her and I didn't even realize. Please Sash, please forgive me." I pleaded, holding her in my arms. The way I felt this morning for this woman has long gone, my love for Scarlett has over powered my love for Sasha.

"I have been with you for three years while your mate has been away and now that she is back you're just going to throw me away like I mean nothing to you?" She slowly pulled away from me but stayed in my face, "You called me your mate downstairs. You made sure that everyone knew you moved on. Then you meet up with her privately, mate her, come into your room and then all you can say is that you're sorry but you're in love with her? How can you just throw me away like that?" There was something wrong with the way she sounded. Like something had taken over the sweet woman I once knew. A dark feeling made its way through her words.

"I am not throwing you away Sasha. I rejected her because I was told I wasn't good enough for her. It's my fault she ran away, you saw what I went through, you knew how I felt about my mate and yet you still came to me. I didn't think I was ever going to see my mate. She left and didn't leave a trail but I knew I could try with you until you found your mate and I am sorry it had to happen before you found him." I apologized, the guilt I was feeling was overwhelming. I never wanted to leave her until I knew she had her mate but Scarlett came unexpectedly and my emotions took over.

"That little witch thinks she can come in here and take you away from me? I don't think so." Before I could yell at her for calling Scarlett a witch, she ran over to me and bit my neck, marking me. I quickly pushed her off but the damage had already happened.

The excruciating pain ran through my body as the bond between Scarlett and I got ripped apart, "What the hell have you done?!" I roared, I saw fear glisten in her eyes along with regret. She could see the pain I'm in and feels guilty but I didn't care about that at the moment. I needed to find Scarlett before she thought the worst.

I tried to make my way to the door but the pain was unbearable as I collapsed on the ground and screamed. A few moments after I heard a scream from the other side of the house.


"SCARLETT! I'M HERE BABY HOLD ON!" I screamed, this can't be happening. I've just gotten my mate back.

"Jason are you okay!" I hear Sasha frantically asked.

"You are banished from my pack Sasha! This was impulsive and selfish." I groaned out, I pulled myself up by grabbing onto the door frame.

Needing to get to Scarlett quickly I ran through the hallway to get to where Scarlett was. She was withering in pain on the floor with Chase and Michelle hovering over her. "Scarlett, baby. It's going to be okay, I'm here for you." I whimpered. Touching Scarlett and not feeling our bond flowing through my fingers caused me more pain than the bond being ripped away from me.

"What the hell have you done to her?!" Michelle screamed at me, I whimpered at the tone of voice she used with me. Although I'm an Alpha, getting your mate ripped away from you, physically, doesn't make anyone feel powerful or like an Alpha.

"Nothing!" I gritted out, "Sasha got angry and marked me, since Scarlett and I have fully mated she can feel the mate bond being ripped apart. I can feel it also but I needed to get to her and know she is okay." I cried, I could feel my eyes tearing up but I didn't care, I just wanted to relive my mating moment with my mate.

"Scarlett, you are still mine. I will get you back my love. I love you so much! Believe me. Please!" I cried out, holding onto her hand then everything went black.

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