Chapter Thirteen

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4th April 2023

Jason's PoV

I make my way to Scarlett's room to find that the door has been shut so I lightly knock on the door.

After a few seconds of waiting the door opens to reveal a gorgeous looking Scarlett. "Already done with my brother?" Was all she said after a few minutes of me just starting at her.

"Yeah, Michelle came in while we were talking and I thought it would be a good thing if I just left them to talk without interrupting them." I answer, not giving her any indication of the conversation Sean and I were talking about.

"Oh, okay then. Do you want to come in, Chase has left because he wanted to see the rest of the pack house." She informed, moving to the side so I had enough room to squeeze through the door frame and her. I make my way onto her bed hearing her footsteps behind me, indicating that she is following me. "So," She pauses, "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"There are a number of things. First of all I want to address us. Now before you say anything I know what I said to you was horrible, and non excusable but I need you to know that I never wanted to reject you. I know I sound like a liar but I promise you, it was never my intention to reject you, whether you were Seans sister or even one of the maids, I would have never rejected you. I love you Scarlett. The night I discovered we were mates I was so happy, you have no idea. I told Sean about it and for some reason he didn't like the fact that you were my mate. He told me to reject you, he didn't want me to go to your party which is why I was absent. Trust me I wanted to go. All I wanted that day was to see you and tell you that I was all yours but I wasn't allowed. Do you know how hard it is to want your mate but someone else is stopping you from being with them. I wasn't allowed to see you two weeks after your party, I'm assuming he wanted to think of a plan to tell you about what he had done, I'm not sure which is why that day in the car was the first time you had seen me since you turned the ripe age of eighteen. He wanted to be the one to tell you but I'm guessing your friend Michelle heard us in the office talking so I know he won't tell you any time soon and I can't stay away from you any longer. Scarlett you are all I have thought about since you left!" I was desperate for her to believe me. All I needed to do was see her smile and have her wrapped around my body and I will be the happiest man alive, but that never happened, the opposite happened in facet.

Her face turned into a frown, she was deep in thought, "You're such a liar! Do you really think I would believe that my brother would do that to us? No Jason, you did this to us, to me. Not only have you lied about that but you are lying about the fact that you have thought about me this whole time I have been away. If that were true you wouldn't be parading your whore." Hearing her call Sasha a whore caused my blood to boil, I wanted to say something but I knew it would make the situation so I said silent, "If you really wanted us to be together you would have ignored my brother." She finishes and goes to leave the bedroom but I grab her by the arm.

"If you don't believe me then come to my office." Is all I say, grabbing her hand for her to come with me to my office. There is no way she is going to be able to call me a liar when she sees what's going on in my office.

Scarlett will be mine by the end of the night. I can feel it in my bones.

Scarlett's PoV

Jason and I make our way to his office, I don't know why he would lie to me about Sean making him reject me. Could he not just tell me the truth and simply say he didn't want to be my mate? I mean he already said that he didn't want me as a mate because I'm the opposite of what he wants in a mate, but he had to go and make the situation worse.

Reaching the office, he steps to the side of the door and gestures to the door, letting me know that he wants me to open the door to see for myself. I shrug my shoulders and open the door, as soon as it was opened a peak I could hear screaming and crying.

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