Chapter Ten

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4th April 2023

Scarlett's POV

It's been a really long two days.

After I left the office I made my way to the bedroom just to mentally prepare myself for what was to come in the next few days.

I was going to see my mate who didn't think I was good enough for him or the pack. I wonder if he's found anyone, he probably has. There are a lot of she wolves who are worthy of the Luna title. I am not apparently, or maybe now I am because I am a front line fighter.

Since we never fully mated our bond is really weak, especially since he rejected me.  Usually with the starting of the mating bond you can start to feel your mates emotions, very mild but they are there and you can tell they are unknown emotions. When you get marked they are stronger so you know what emotions they are feeling and you could get them confused for your own emotions. Then comes the mark. You become one with your mate. Everything they are feeling or thinking becomes yours also and vice versa. Jason and I haven't mated so it's different we would be able to mildly feel one another's emotions but since he rejected me, there is nothing but a hollow hole. I can't feel anything on his end, only mine.

Knowing that in two hours I was going to come face to face with my mate and family I started to become nervous. Is Sean okay? Is my dad? Is Jason okay? Is everyone missing me? What reaction will they have when they see me? Will they be happy to see me or do they also think that I was a useless person in the pack?

"Scar, are you okay? We need to get ready to leave soon." Chase informs as he walks in, concern written all over his face. It takes about an hour to reach my old packs territory so we will be making our journey very soon.

"As okay as I can be. I'm just over thinking the whole situation. What if Jason is with someone else? He could have mated with her and I would have no idea because our connection is so weak that I wouldn't be able to feel him getting ripped away. I don't know why I feel this way? I should be fearless. I'm the packs front line fighter. I shouldn't have to be scared. They asked for our help and we are going to be helping them.  Who cared about what they think of me? I have trained my butt off to get where I am and they are not going to tear me down before I have even gotten there!" I exclaim, everything I have just said holds a different emotion. I'm anxious, terrified but I am also strong and I'm not going to let whatever they are thinking get to me no matter how much I truly want to let the first two emotions show.

"Keep thinking that way and the weeks will go by faster. Have you got everything packed and ready to go? I'm packing up the car." I nod my head in the direction of where my bags stood waiting to get taken to the car.

"I'll head downstairs soon, I just need time to myself at the moment please."  Chase nods his head and leaves the room with my things. Chase, Michelle and I have become really close these past few years. Chase reminds me of Sean, very protective. Michelle and I are like his sisters, no one is allowed to get near us unless they're our mates, in my case, not even my mate is going to be allowed near me.

Michelle is like a mother. She is very protective but goofy. Since the day we met, we just seem to get closer and closer. We have sleepovers almost every night, when I told her about how Jason rejected me she went mental. Cussing him out and saying that if she ever met him, he better run, she didn't say it in that way but let's just keep what she said PG.

Taking a few deep breaths after a few minutes of being in my own head I make my way to my bedroom door, feeling slightly more ready than I did a few days ago.

Let's do this

Making my way outside I see everyone standing outside of their designated cars, probably waiting for me to be mentally ready for where we are about to go.

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