Chapter 2

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Surprise update! I hope you guys enjoy it and thank you to everyone who has read this already. Also, it's important to note that Aria has anxiety and is the reason for all her questioning.

Okay, enjoy!

Chapter 2

Aria's POV.

I really hate my job sometimes. On days like today, no matter what kind of clothing I was wearing, it wouldn't lift my mood. Not after what happened at his office.

I quickly sighed just thinking about it.

"Girl, this is like the 17th time you've sighed in the past hour. What the hell happened."

Oh shoot. I didn't notice I had done that.

"Hey, sorry Becca. Just having a bad day I guess," I said turning around facing her and giving her an apologetic smile.

"Sis, it's 9am. The day just started. How is it already bad?" She asked with worried eyes.

I quickly looked into her larger face and multicolored eyes. "I'm fine. Just something with some guy," I said, trying to dismiss the conversation waving my hand. I didn't want to have to dwell on it more than I had to. I was already feeling like crap to begin with, I didn't need to be reminded of the reason behind my sulking.

"Ooooo girl you got boy trouble?! Finally! It has been forever since you last mentioned a guy," said Becca, getting excited and smiling at me. Her eyes shone with excitement and genuine interest.

I loved her. I had been working here for a couple of months and met Becca in training. I was really feeling insecure since I was the youngest one at training; they all looked older with a lot more experience than I did. When it was lunchtime, Becca approached my table and asked if she could sit with me. I absolutely agreed and we hit it off since then.

She had really helped me feel more welcomed since I was the youngest in the company, and some people didn't think I was really suitable for the job; however, as soon as I had started, all of my managers had already given me great reviews and had received two raises in less than three months, so suck on that!

Anyway, getting back on track, Becca was around my height with blonde hair, a round face and very interesting eyes; her left eye was brown while her right was blue. She had a round body shape and a mouth that always seemed to be smiling. She had a great smile and was always showing it, since she was always laughing.

I smiled at the memory of how we first met and said, "Since I met you, I've never mentioned a guy." I quickly rolled my eyes and smiled, "Because we met like 3 months ago Becca."

"Exactly! Like I said, I've never heard you mention a guy since I met you, therefore, I'm excited," she said smiling and placing her hand under her chin, showing interest.

I laughed "It's nothing really," I said, turning my chair around back to my computer, showing that the conversation was reaching its end and there was nothing to really tell. "It's nothing like that. This guy I know just confused me with someone else I guess."

I adjusted my glasses trying to get back to work. I was having a hard time focusing today. I wondered why, even though I already knew the reason.

I rolled my eyes and sighed again.

"I still want to know what happened," she said, trying to get the conversation back to where it was. When I didn't answer, she tried to get my attention by poking me right under my rib cage, earning a squeak from me.

I blushed, instantly feeling some of our coworkers' eyes on us. "Stop it," I said, chuckling and pushing her hand away.

She poked me again making me squeak and laugh. "I'm going to get fired Becca, stop it!" I said whispering between laughs while she kept poking me. I didn't need more people thinking I was too childish for this job. If they heard me laughing and goofing around, I'd be dead.

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