Chapter 8 - Research doesn't lie

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Allase started to feel more normal after talking to Tauriel, but even so the feeling of being in this palace, it was yet filled with people like Tauriel who were kind.  but her mind wondered to Elrond, wondering what he was doing, she missed him, the warmth of his touch and embrace.  but deep down she was still mad he left her, it still hurt her. 
Allase got up heading out her room, she had to get better, to show that she could go toe to toe with anyone or thing. as she walked the halls in her long dress, she knew that either Taruiel or Legolas would be on the watch. Allase climbed the long stairs that winded up so high up the palace, following what sounded like the wind and slight light of the stars.

Taruiel watched with Legolas at the forest, with their eyes, the spiders still lived and caused so much concern for them both, no matter the ones they killed the more the spiders returned.  it frustrated Taruiel and Legolas so.

" These spiders keep coming from the north and your father wishes us not to go up and kill it at the source," Taruiel said leaning on the wall watching at the forest with the need to kill what was plaguing the forest.

"My father knows the spiders do not come near the palace and has no interest if it spreads as long as it is held back from out domain," Legolas said with his hands behind him letting out a sigh " but we must follow his orders even if we wish to fix this problem," Legolas said as he wanted to fix the problem 

Allase stopped on hearing their conversation, by the door she stood, she felt Taruiel was right if they didn't do something the spiders would just plague the land over and over as the spread to other lands. as she sighed walking out as she made her way to them.  the sounds of her bare feet on the cold stone alerted them to look in her direction.  Allase stood there looking at them both slightly out of breath from the climb.

" then why no we go, kill the creatures," Allase said looking at them as they were slightly stunned by her words " teach me, how to fight, and I will fight with you, to kill them" before Legolas or Taruiel had a chance to get a word in, to protest, she spoke with much feeling in her eyes and heart" I wish not to sit in the dark, where the one I love tries to fight the darkness his sightsees"

Taruiel could feel it the hurt and the love she had, just like Taruiel had when she fought for the one she loved until hid dying breath, it made a slight smile come to her lips, as she looked to Legolas as they shared a look for a moment " your father would not be pleased if she fought without the proper training" Taruiel looked at Legolas who took a moment to think about it and if it was worth the trouble.

" Alright, we will train you," Legolas said seeing his young self in her, the drive to do what was right " we will do it at this time, every night in turns in case someone suspects," he said as he looked at the forest " Come," Legolas said to Allase with him to the armoury to find her a weapon while Taruiel guards the palace at her post.

Allase followed Legolas down the long twisting stairs and deeper into the palace until they arrive at the Armory, it was stocked full of elvish weaponry, from swords, daggers to bows.  As Legolas looked for something suitable in the weapons, Allase saw in the corner of her eyes, something familiar, she walked over with a fast pace this caught Legolas attention.
He watched as Allase picked up the bow that was taken from her, as she strung it over her shoulder with her arrows when her eyes met the daggers she lifted them staring at them for a moment, Legolas knew from the look of the weaponry it was not his kin's.

As Legolas made his way over Allase spoke as she unsheathes one to look at the writing " ill reclaim my weapons, these daggers are precious to me, made for me" she said putting them back in their sheath.  Allase looked at Legolas like she wouldn't take a no for an answer.

" you are well armed but" he began but pulled out an elvish blade handing it to her " You Need a sword in battle, to strick the of the enemy, it is an old but reliable blade, served many elves in my younger days, use it well"

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