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When it rains it pours, welcome to my morning. I rose early and gathered the horses taking them over to Ben's to hook them up so they would be ready to load up. The fog was thick but other than that the day was fine, as I rounded the big tree and entered Ben's yard I noticed the wagon was gone. Knocking on Ben's door his mate sleepily opened it, "Sorry Summer, but where's the wagon?"

With a huge yawn, "That new guy and his two friends came and got it last night. They kept us up for hours. Thanks for getting us up, we slept through the rooster". She shuts the door hollering at Ben to get up. Thank the Goddess they don't have pups.

Ok, so take the horses back home or go on to the Pack House. I head to the Pack House after telling the horses to go home. Food was ready and I was ready to eat, Dad and my Uncles were sipping coffee as I made my plate and sat down next to Dad. "Morning all, how's this grand day looking."

Uncle Adare raised an eyebrow, "Tis' the end of us all. She's smiling in the morning."

Uncle Fenian takes it one step farther, he grabs his heart. "We're doomed!" He says falling back onto the floor and laying there with his tongue out.

"Aunt Bea, yer mate's fallen on the floor and looks to be dead", I say.

"Dead? Alright, now I can go with ya and check out those braves. I hear they're...AH" Before she can finish Uncle Fenian has jumped up rushed over and snatched her up, kissing her soundly.

"Mate, what is it I heard about checking out braves?" He asks setting her down.

"Checking out what, you know I live and breath for you but if you..." He kisses her soundly once again then throws her over his shoulder rushing off.

"Astrid, watch the pups", was the last thing heard except his pounding footsteps as he raced up the stairs.

"For the love of.... Well, there goes the day", Uncle Adare says slapping his cup on the table and stomping off.

Aunt Astrid and I look to Dad but he just shrugs and finishes his coffee. As he sets his cup down that same female from yesterday fills his cup. "Alpha if you need any help, I'd be glad to. In any way." She says as I sat slack-jawed.

Aunt Astrid was the first to recover, "Did she just proposition you"?

"Ew, no not in this lifetime," Dad says.

I am beyond creeped out. "Who is she, where did she come from and can we send her back?"

"She came in with Seumas' group. Apparently she was found wandering along the river. Says her pack was killed while crossing the river upstream, she floated down and was spat out close to where they found her." He shrugs and stands to leave. "If I ignore her she will quickly get the message." He says to us then leans in to kiss my head.

"Oh, before you leave. I went to get Ben's wagon but Ewan and his males picked it up last..." Screaming and neighing erupted, we jumped up and headed out to see what was going on.

Out in the yard were Ewan, Grom, and Knud with my animals. The big bay, who I had caught and gentled at Otetiani's former village, was on the ground blood pouring out of his neck. The stallion, mare, and mule were standing guard keeping the wolves away from the stricken horse. Jumping off the porch I rushed to the bay's side, "Gro I need you at the Pack House". Was all I said before shutting off the link.

"What happened here", Dad asked as I worked franticly to staunch the blood.

"That damned animal bit me", Ewan said.

"Move out of my way", Gro had arrived and I was so grateful.

"Now what do we have here. Bo move back." Gro pushed me back and began to check out the damage. I had moved to his head to brush his face and talk to him.

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