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Tomorrow dawned white and well, white. I had run home in fur last night, I just needed to be here. In my den. Dad and the Aunts had all but demanded I stay with them in the packhouse. But for some reason, I just couldn't. Now standing at my door looking out at the bank of snow blocking my view and hearing the wind howling through the trees I understood, my wolf had known what was coming. Heading upstairs to see how deep the snow was and if my chimney was clear was the priority, no coffee if the chimney was blocked with snow. After a quick peek, I was satisfied that coffee was a go.

Holding my mug I went to check on Stud and the family. They were all bedded down in the cave, I had to open up the top half of the door due to the heat. "Wow, nice, I have heat with y'all around", I laugh. They ignored me, so I went back into the cabin and took out the books that Ivy had told me I needed to not only learn but memorize.

These were the old law books, the laws that had founded the old Old-World packs, before they were tossed aside for something easier, less demanding. The Elders called them the 'forgotten laws'. They covered everything from property to hierarchy to mating. Dad went by most of them but even he fudged some. I apparently would not be allowed any fudging. One of the rules I knew I would have no problem following is the rule on rouges, there were to be none. 'A pack member is the responsibility of their Alpha. If they break the rules it is the Alpha who is to correct them and bring them back into line, if that member cannot be brought back into line then it is the responsibility to correct the problem permanently.'

This winter was proving to be as harsh as the fall was gentle. It was nearly April before we began to see signs of winter's grasp slipping. One morning I was cleaning out the barn when suddenly help arrived. Lina and Niel were spreading straw, "Nice to see ya made it through", Niel says not glancing my way.

"You too", I tell him before jumping on his back and blowing a raspberry on the back of his neck. "You mated Ivy", I yell jumping off of him. Looking at Lina she just laughs at me.

"Yep, we got tired of the bickering and locked them together in a packhouse bedroom. Then we went to eat. The next day they came down mated." Lina says with a smirk. "Hey, y'all never thanked me for locking you two up", she says to her brother.

"Maybe later. Can we finish up so we can get back", Lina and I laugh because we know what he wants to get back to.

"Fine, fine", I tell him. "What brought you out this way?"

"Oh, the circle has requested your presence," Lina tells me.

"Why didn't one of them link me? It would have saved a trip out here."

"We don't question our noble leaders", Niel says as he pushes me out of the way to finish scooping out the last stall. "Lina get the straw in here. Ya need to go." He tells me shooing me out.

Sending them a quick thanks, I rush out toward the packhouse. The snow was still high but Lina and Niel had broken a trail so it wasn't too bad especially since I was in fur. Entering the packhouse through the kitchen I stopped to dress. Cook hands me a mug of coffee and several scones, she expects to see me for dinner. Kicking the door, my hands were full, Uncle Fenian opened it and reached for a scone. My growl stops him in his tracks, "Some one's touchy. Been too long alone?" He says plopping down in a chair crosses his arms and pouts in my direction. I could care less, for more than 3 weeks I have been deprived of these beauties and I was not going to share.

After downing two I asked, "Why didn't ya just link instead of sending Lina and Niel. Don't get me wrong I appreciate the help with the stalls but".

"Ya were blockin' us", Dad says leaned back in his chair watching me.

"Huh?" No one can block the Alpha.

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