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"We need to claim as much of the land as possible when the Easterners come here. We will buy them out." I look to Ika to make sure I am using the correct wording when he nods I continue. "We will control the land of smokers and beyond. First, we must learn their laws so they can not trick us, then we need a way to make money to pay them off. Do we agree?" Everyone agrees and we set out to find a male or two to send back East.

Caspian and Dex were both barely 20 were well educated and unmated. They were eager to assist their pack in this way. I had explained what we needed them to do and that I did not know how I would communicate with them while they were so far away, but that the Goddess would provide a way. Marta had a few funds and she gave the bills and coins to the males explaining what each piece was worth and how money worked. The next day they left with one pair of breeches, one shirt, one pair of moccasins apiece and that little bit of money in my saddlebag. Running in fur until they approached the town of Salem, Dex said his mother had told him of family there. I prayed they were the right ones for this job.

Weeks dragged on and no word was heard from the males. I took comfort in the words, no news is good news, it had been one of Papa's favorites when I would worry about someone. I had put off talking to the brood about their parents and the circle about what had happened on my Spirt walk but with the crops in the ground, the animals settled in the new barn, and several new dens completed I had no excuse to delay any longer.

"Hey, mind if I join you?" I ask the brood gathered at the fire ring. "Your always welcome, cuz," Ian says scooting over and patting the log.

"You know I went on a Spirt walk before the ceremonies", my words were slow. I didn't know how to tell them.

"You saw them, didn't you", Tove asks. Always so straight forward and blunt.

"Yeah, they look good. They are proud of you, of us. Your dad begged for forgiveness he was upset he wasn't strong enough to stay with us." The broods upset and trying to tell me, all at once they understood. Holding my hand up, "I told them both, that we knew that they had to be together, they were like one person in two bodies." I had to smile at that, that is what I wanted for all my pack members. "I also saw Dad." At that I was swamped with love, how had I ever thought I was alone in my grief? "He too is good, he explained that he had to go his part of my journey was over. I had to rely on others now, I looked out at those within the circle while most were younger than me I trusted them with my life, more important to me, with the lives of my pack. "Sit down and I'll let you know what's coming. The Moon Goddess, our Mother, is losing the males to Lycaon, his priests preach that males are the protectors of females, the male has taken this to believe that females are weaker and."






"Yea, unfortunately, all of those. We will be the Goddess's last stand, we will take in those running, the rogues, we will train the weak to protect those who can not protect themselves. We will build an army to protect our world from what is coming. We must control this New-World before he decides to come to take it."

"Who? Who decides to come to take it?" Andy asks.

"Her mate", Bree always was too smart for her own britches.

The others just stare.

"Your mate is our enemy?" Tove is stunned. I wish I had a way to capture the moment. It is so rare.

"That I don't know. All I know is one of us will win."

"And to the loser", Bryant asks?

"I am hoping we can both win, as with all true mates," I tell them, it's a hope and that's all I've got.

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