Day 32

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You've got to be kidding me...I had to have my first class with the last person in this entire universe that I wanted it with...I followed him to a gym with several punching bags and a boxing ring.

-So basically today, with me, you'll be learning how to move quickly like a shadow.

-Hum...ok let's start.

-Angel can we talk first...we really need to be comfortable around each other I thought we were good...

-We are.

-We are definitely not...with the strange way you're acting.

-I'm with Noah...

He looked at me confused.

-So that means we can't be friend ?

-No we can't if you're still in love with me...

-What would that change if you don't love me back ?

-That's the problem...I don't know if I still love you !

He went silent. I could hear him breathe heavily.

-I love you don't love never did because you would have never fallen in love with me.

-You're the one who pushed me away!

-I was scared! I dated your doppelgänger and I don't have any answers...she left me and never came back and I simply didn't understand but I love you.

-I'm done with this discussion we need to work on my technique not have a therapy session.

He laughed at my arrogance that he liked so much.

-First, you need to focus and center yourself, then you picture yourself where you wanna be and the rest is intuitive. You're gonne be where you wanna go in no time. Let me show you.

He went from the ground to the upper level of the gym in the blink of an eye.

-Your turn now !

He came behind me as quickly as he left to help me focus. He put his hands on my waist and I could feel his breath down my neck. I was definitely not focusing on anything else than his touch. He whispered in my ear that I should try to reach the upper level like he did, I tried but failed miserably probably because of my lack of concentration. After a few times trying I finally succeeded. Ian joined me and I jumped into his arms because of my excitement which created a very uncomfortable moment. Loick joined us in the gym at that exact moment to teach me how to fight.

-Well hello there, I hope I'm not interrupting anything...

-No no...Ian is leaving...I am all yours.

He smirked and his eyes were glistening.

-Fabulous that's what I like to hear !

Ian left the gym a little upset and Loick asked me to get into the boxing ring. I did as he commended and he joined me to start practicing some combat moves. I do not qualify myself as a violent person except when I absolutely need to.

-I have something to tell you love...before we start this training...'re scaring me what is it ?

-The boys and I have talked about you and we've realized that we've all met you and dated one of your doppelgänger in the past...

-Stop Loick you're not funny...can we start training now.

-I'm not kidding...her name was Yasmin. She looked just liked you...and this was back in Persia.

-So you're telling me that I have more than one doppelgänger and that you all dated one...who else ?

-Étienne, Joseph and Ian...

-It makes a lot of sense now why you guys are flirting with me...just because I remind you all of someone you've loved.

-Someone we've lost...they've all disappeared out of nowhere.

-This is incredibly strange...

-Anyway I just wanted to let you know ! Now let's fight and see what you've got.

We fought for about and hour until Étienne joined us to bring me to my final class of the day. Before I left, Loick wanted to make sure that I was okay after what he said earlier.

-I'm fine Loick don't worry about me...

He hugged me tight before letting me leave with Étienne.

-Take care of her man...

-Don't worry mon ami...I will

Étienne brought me to a living room where a human was waiting for us. I could tell this person wasn't a vampire by the smell of her blood in her veins. I suddenly remembered how hungry I truly was after all the training. I felt an urge to jump on her and drink all of her blood but I managed to hold my thirst back.

-Loick told me about my other doppelgä is very unsettling to know that I'm not one of a kind.

-You are one of a kind Angel...

This guy radiates kindness in a way that is very troubling and touching. I feel very drawn to him like a magnet.

-I feel different around you...I am drawn to you and I instantly feel better when I'm around you Angel.

Could he read my mind ?

-How was she ?

-Adeline was a princess from another kingdom...she never wanted to have money and a castle, she wanted to help people and give back. She would go to the village and help people in need. She changed me for the better...I feel the same way when I'm around you.

I didn't know what to say and Étienne understood that my silence didn't mean that I didn't reciprocate his feelings. We decided to start his "course" so we wouldn't have to talk about our feelings. He basically taught me how to drink blood from humans without actually killing them which was very helpful.

-You're very good ma belle, it's very impressive that you can control yourself the first time you drink from a human.

-I've always had a lot of self control...

The only thing that was making me lose all my common sense has always been boys. We finished the class in advance, since I was already pretty good at controlling my pulsions and I headed back to my dorm to join Crystal and Kylie.

-How was your first day Angel ?

-It was fun, being a vamp is super cool !

They both giggled.

-Tomorrow you'll learn compulsion with Joseph and how to optimize your five senses with meeee !

-Angel we learned the theme of this week's partyyyy !

-OMG Kylie spill the tea !

-It's gonna be the 7 deadly sins honeyyy ! Are you ready to sin darling?

Oh boy with everything going on was I really ready to throw myself into the lion's den....

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