Day 36

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Yesterday was insane, it was the craziest party I've ever attended. I was caught in an affair between my best friend and my newest friend's boyfriend and I had lost my virginity to a hot french vampire. I wanted the week to go as smoothly as possible since I was going to start my real classes with everyone. I woke up early this morning even though my head was still spinning from all the alcohol I had consumed yesterday at the party. I wanted to make a good first impression on my vampire's history teacher so I dressed up nice and grabbed a glass of blood for breakfast. I made sure to not wake Crystal and Kylie up since they were both still "sleeping". I arrived at my classroom and found Ian waiting by the door.

-Hey Angel ! Good morning!'re early...

I could see he wanted to talk to me more but a tall man with pitch black hair approached us and opened the classroom.

-Hello students...I'm glad to see some of you still have an ounce of decency and decided to show up to class early this morning even after yesterday's party.

He let us enter the huge room that looked very ancient en regal. I made sure to sit as far of
Ian as possible. We waited a bit in an awkward silence until the other students joined us including Étienne that gladly sat next to me with Loick.

-Good morning ma belle.

-Good morning Étienne...

I was definitely blushing really hard right now because I could feel his piercing eyes look right into my soul. The class was about to begin so it distracted me from all the unholy thoughts I had.

-Hello we are going to start an important project that will be crucial in the success of your semester. You will all be paired up in teams of two or three and you will make a thoroughly thought out presentation about an iconic vampire that has changed the course of history. I will be guiding you through this process and you will be aloud to go to the library to dig deeper into your subjects. Now I will ask you all to choose your team wisely and your famous vampire and tell me before the end of this class.

Everyone rushed towards their friends to make sure they had perfect teammates while I was still left in the unknown. Étienne and Loick looked at me and asked if I wanted to join their team. I didn't have to think twice about it and accepted. Kylie seemed a bit disappointed but she was already in a team with Crystal so I figured she would get over it pretty quickly. The next step was to choose our subject for our research, we wanted to choose something that would be iconic but different so we didn't pick Dracula. Since I was in a team with two very ancient vampires I had a lot of advantages, one of them being that they knew a lot of vampires. After reflection we settled for countess Elizabeth Báthory from Hungary, who was born into one of the oldest and most powerful families in Transylvania. Étienne told me that Elizabeth was educated, ran various estates (her husband was often away, leaving her in charge), and bore many children more precisely 16 all while killing and torturing young women, and bathing in their blood. He told me that he had met her several times and that she was absolutely insane. I felt the need to know more about this woman so we decided that it would be a perfect vampire to explore with our research project. We told our teacher that was delighted that he didn't have to tell another team that they couldn't take Dracula. The boys and I decided to head to the library to make some researches before heading to the dining hall for lunch. When we entered the library I let out a gasp of complete shock because of all the beauty surrounding me and all the incredible details I was witnessing. The mansion is absolutely incredible but nothing beats the library, not even the gardens. The walls were entirely covered with books and the ceilings were very high which made it seem like we were in heaven's private library but with a gothic twist. We took as many books as we could that covered our subject and sat around a table. Étienne and I spent a full hour reading and looking through old documents while Loick was basically doing nothing.

-I'm too handsome to be reading a book...but you guys are doing an amazing job, I must say.

-Stop being a douch and help us a little mon ami.

He stood up offended and headed towards a bookshelf to take a book and start "reading" but it actually opened a secret door.

-Holly...shi- guys you should come and see this.

-Loick believe it or not but we're actually working and got no time for your foolishness...

Étienne smiled at me and kept reading his book. We noticed that Loick was serious when he repeated himself. We left our table, in the now almost empty library, and joined Loick where we saw the secret passage with our own eyes.


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