3- No Mans Land

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Becas POV
"Alright so does that old dress fit you?" I yell to Chloe who's in the bathroom.
"Yep!" Chloe came out on my old pastel pink crop top spaghetti straps and some ripped jeans. "How do I look?"
"Almost like a neutral, your just missing one thing." I said going into my closet to grab a navy leather jacket. "If I remember my preppy days this navy color should go well with the shirt."
Chloe slides on the jacket and as I thought the outfit look pretty good. "Alright you got to choose my outfit so now I get to choose yours." Chloe said.
"Yes you do. You have my whole closet at your disposal. Just make sure I don't look like a preppy or a rebel. I just need to be somewhere in between." I reminded her.
As I was talking Chloe has already walked into my closet. "Alright I have this maroon dress and this light pink leather jacket I found."
"I don't even remember buying that jacket but all right I'll go change. Find some shoes for the both of us."
Our final outfits didn't really fit in a group. It was perfect! Chloe's final outfit was a pastel crop top with white ripped jeans with a navy blue leather jacket and some navy combat boots. And my outfit was a maroon dress that was about knee length with a light pink flannel around my waist with pink converse i borrowed from Chloe. We looked like regular teenagers. "Ready to go?"
"Yep." Chloe said as we started making our way to my car. "So just to get things straight, when we have classes together we will both sit together in the rows that separate the two groups and at lunch we will do the same right?"
"Yep. I'm pretty sure we also have a meeting with principal Franklin about how we bonded yesterday." I informed her.
"Alright cool." As we both got out of the car we both started walking towards the principals office. As we were walking I noticed we were getting a few looks from people.
"Hi Mrs. Smith we're here to see Mr. Franklin." I say.
"You can go right on in sweethearts."
We started walking to his office but not before we said thank you to his secretary. As we opened the door we were greeted by Mr. Franklin "There are my two favorite girls. I see you have made a plan based on your clothes."
"Yes actually we do." Chloe spoke up.
"What is this said plan that you came up with?" He questioned.
"Well we got it from the fact that Beca used to be a preppy then turned into a rebel." Chloe started to explain.
"Because of this I have a little bit of both groups that gave us the ideas of the neutrals." I explained further. "We will basically be a third category in the school."
"What we will be doing is filling the gaps in classrooms. There are often a row or two in classrooms separating the two groups along with in the lunch room." Chloe said. "Our plan is to sit in those spots that separates them."
"We will also try to mix their styles like we did today. So we will literally be a neutral group between the two that will hopefully grow into the whole school." I finished explaining.
"So I see you both bonded over one night." Mr. Franklin said raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah we did." I said.
"I think we're gonna be really fast friend." Chloe finished.
"Well you both are excused to go to your classes." He said.
It was nearing lunch time and I was honestly looking forward to seeing Chloe. And to my surprise throughout the day a few goodies and rebels have talked to me. I knew this plan would work just not this quickly. The bell rang and I made my way to the lunchroom only to be ambushed by a perky redhead who linked her arm with mine. "Ready for lunch?"
"I'm starving" I said probably a little over dramatic. "Have any rebels talked to you? Because some goodies have talked to me."
"Yeah this plan is working better than I thought it would."
As we sat down at one of the tables separating the two groups and surprisingly a few people from each group joined us. As lunch went on I learned that the preppys who sat with us were Emily, Benji, and Jessica. And the rebels were Stacie, Cynthia Rose or CR, and Fat Amy. We also have gotten them to agree to our plan. Tomorrow they will also be joining use in no mas land. I think that's what Emily called it.
"Well thank you guys for helping use out." Chloe said.
"Yep so just sit in no mans land in all of your classes." I added.
The last bell rang signaling the end of the day and I immediately went to find Chloe so I could drive her home. "Hey Chloe ready to head home?"
"Yep. By the way can you give me a ride tomorrow?"
"Yeah of course!" The ride to Chloe's house was silent. But it was a comfortable silence. Then on the way back to my house all I could think about was Chloe.
"Hey dad I'm home!" I yelled when I opened the door.
"Do you have Chloe with you?" He asked coming out of his office.
"No. But I'm glad you finally approve of one of my friends."
"Well how could I not she is so sweet."
"Yeah she is" I sighed.
After that I went to my room and laid on my bed and I started to scroll through Instagram and I saw I got a friend request from a certain redhead. Without thinking I accepted the request and followed her back. As I fell asleep my mind drifted to Chloe and all of the amazing things about her. Maybe us being forced to be friends isn't a bad thing. This year isn't gonna be that bad. I mean Rebecca Mitchell even gets to show a little.
A/N- please remember to practice self distancing and wash your hands. Read my other story Arms. Thanks for reading!

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