7- Parks

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Becas POV
"Come on Becs hurry up!" Chloe said excitedly as she dragged me over to the swings.
"Chloe slow down I'm in heals!" I say as I try to keep up.
"Sorry." She said with a cute giggle. "I haven't been to a park in years so I guess I'm just excited."
"Come and push me on a swing." I say as I sit on a swing.
"Now who's the kid." Chloe says as she starts to push me.
"Hey I never called you a kid I just said I was wearing heals." I say acting offended. "I wanna go higher!"
Chloe gave me one last push before getting on her own swing. She started pumping so we were in sink.
"How are you so good at this?" I asked as I tried to keep up. "I don't believe you haven't been to a park in years."
"You know there is this thing called long legs." Chloe said obviously. "But I guess you wouldn't understand since you don't have them."
"Okay that's just mean." I say while I hop of the swing. "I can still do that in heals."
Chloe laughed before getting off her swing. She then ran up to me and tagged me than ran off.
"You're it!" Chloe yelled as she ran down a path.
"That's so mean!" I yell back as I take off my shoes. "You're gonna get it!"
I started to run after Chloe and chase her around the playground. As soon as I would tag her she would easily catch up to me. We then started running around the rest of the park until Chloe randomly stopped.
"Why did you stop?" I asked when I noticed her distracted look.
"That lady's feeding the ducks." Chloe said with a smile. "Do you think she would let us feed them too?"
"She definitely will." I say while walking over.
"How do you know?" Chloe asked skeptically while grabbing my hand.
"Just trust me." Chloe give a small nod as we walk over. "Hi Mrs. Fernsby, my friend was wondering if she could feed the ducks with you."
"Of course she can." She said while handing us some bread. "So what's your name dear?"
"Chloe Beale, this is my friend-"
"Rebeca." Gertrude finished Chloe's sentence. "I've know her for years."
"Is that why you called her Rebeca?" Chloe asked curiously.
     "I didn't know she went by anything different." Mrs. Frensby said kindly. "What would you like to be called dear?"
     "Rebeca is fine with me." I say with a reassuring smile. "You're just one of those people that if you called me anything different it would be weird."
     Chloe smiles as she watched us interact. We continued to talk and feed the ducks before even and Chloe needed to go. I dropped her off the drove home. This is what I was dreading all day. I really don't want to go home but I walk inside anyway.
     "Hey I'm home." I say as I entered the house.
     "Rebeca, I would like you to meet Kathryns daughter Emily." My dad said when I entered the living room.
     "Hey you're that one kid I ate lunch with today right?" I ask once I looked at her.
     "Yeah." She says with a smile. "I didn't know you lived here. I guess that makes sense why Mitchell sounded familiar."
     "Yeah I guess." I say shrugging.
     "Now I want you two to get to know each other." My dad said leaving the room. "Oh and Emily is staying the night."
     "Okay do you want to chill in my room or something?" I ask as I start heading that way.
     "Okay! So why did your dad call you Rebeca?" Emily asked as she followed.
     "Rebeca is my full name. My dad refuses to call me Beca." I say. "The day my dad calls me Beca will be the day the old him is back."
     Me and Emily talked and got to know each other a bit. I figured out that she had a crush on Benji. I am personally getting more of a gay vibe off of her but I'm not going to say anything. Emily borrowed a pair of clothes and we went to bed.
     The next day was pretty casual. We went back to being neutrals and we were a good blend of the two sides. The real test was lunch. No one ever really sat with us besides the first week but to our surprise when we walked into the cafeteria mine and Chloe's friends were already sitting down.
     "Hey guys." I say breaking up the group conversation. "What are we talking about?"
     "Oh we were just getting to know one another." Stacie said. "The rich kids aren't that bad."
     "Same for you." Chicago said with a laugh. "Oh and I hope you don't mind but I invited the rest of the football team to eat with us."
     "Oh course not." Chloe said with a smile.
     "I also may have pulled some strings and got the soccer kids to sit with us as well." Benji said shyly.
     "Thanks dude!" I say smiling genuinely.
     Then all the sudden a bunch of kids came over to our tables. Suddenly their friends started to join them and eventually the only people who weren't sitting with us were Jesse and Aubrey.
     "You get Aubrey and I get Jesse?" I ask turning to Chloe.
     I got up and walk over to Jesse while Chloe walked over to Aubrey.
     "Hey Jesse do you want to come sit with us?"
     "No thank you I'm fine here." Jesse said in a cold voice.
     "Come on Jess." I say as I start to plead. "They aren't that bad Jesse. I'm sure you would get along with a number of people."
     "How would you know." Jesse said. "I've talked to one and they were awful. They treated me like dirt. How do you know they aren't all like that."
     "I know that because I'm not like that." I say sadly.
     "What do you mean? Of course you're not because you didn't grow up with all that money and shit."
     "Actually I did." I say hesitantly. "My full name is Rebeca Mitchell. My father is Phill Mitchell who runs several different companies."
     "Really?" Jesse said looking betrayed. "Why didn't you tell me?"
     "Because I hate the fact that I'm part of that life." I say sadly. "I don't have the personality to be part of it and I also knew how much you hated them."
     "Well since you aren't that bad I guess I'll give the others a shot." Jesse said standing up.
     "Really?" I say getting excited.
     "Let's hurry before I change my mind." Jesse said while walking over.
Chloe's POV
     "Hey Bree are you gonna eat with us?" I ask as I skip over to her.
     "I don't know I'm kind of nervous." Aubrey said shyly. "I mean have you seen how attractive some of the rebels are."
     "I know what you mean." I say with a small sigh. "Which one do you find most attractive?"
     "Honestly I think Stacie is." Aubrey said in a hushed tone. "Who are you interested in?"
     "Really? I didn't know you were into girls." I say smiling. "That makes my confession so much easier. I really like Beca."
     "Ew that's my old best friend." Aubrey said in a teasing tone. "I have a proposition to make."
     "I'm listening." I say leaning forward slightly.
     "If you ask Beca out then I'll ask Stacie out." Aubrey said simply. "Or vice versa."
     "Okay I can do that." I say thinking. "I can ask her to prom!"
     "Okay let's go eat lunch." Aubrey said laughing at my enthusiasm.

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