6- Back To The Old

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Becas POV
     I actually woke up exited. I went to my closet and grabbed a white button with a studded color and tucked it into a simple black skirt. I pulled a blue sweater over the shirt and slipped on black healed boots that went up to my knees. I remember wearing something similar when I was in elementary. I hope it works. I styled my hair in loose curls and applied a light layer of makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw someone I haven't seen in years... Rebeca.
     I grab my bag and unplugged my phone and made my way downstairs and was meet with my father and his girlfriend. My father was reading his paper with a cup of coffee like every morning while Kathryn was making breakfast.
     "Good morning, Beca." Kathryn said with a sweet smile.
"Morning." I say simply.
"Would you like breakfast?" She asked trying to make conversation. "I made pancakes."
"Actually that'd be great." I say dropping my cold tone.
"Rebeca I see you're finally coming around." My dad said once he looked up from his paper.
"Yeah but don't get used to it." I say with my cold tone returning.
"But Rebeca, your so much more beautiful without that horrible makeup and what you insist are clothes." My dad said setting down his paper.
"Yeah well you don't control my life." I say slightly raising my voice. "And when will you understand that I go by Beca now?"
"I am your father and as long as you live under my roof you will obey my rules!" My dad said now yelling.
"I won't be under your roof for long." I say quietly as I leave the house.
I get into my car and start it. Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes just like after every other fight. But I never let them fall. He used to be different when mom was around. Once she died he changed and I miss the old him. We fight a lot now. I was lost in thought I didn't even realize the I drove to the park I used to go to as a child. It was called hidden valley park. I think it's called this because not a lot of people know about it.
Deciding since I was already there I might as well get out and walk around for a bit then pick up Chloe. I walked on the familiar path that I walk so many times as a child. I see the old lady feeding the ducks like she did every day for years.
"What's that lady doing momma?" I asked as we passed the lady for the first time.
"She's feeding the ducks." My mother said in her natural sweet voice.
"Can we feed them too?" I ask as I continue to watch her.
"We can always ask." My mom said as we walk over to her. "Hello, my daughter was wondering if she could feed the ducks with you?"
"Why of course." The lady said as she handed me a peace of bread and invited me to sit with her. "Now tell me dear what is your name?"
"Rebeca." I say shyly.
"What a lovely name for a lovely girl." She said kindly. "My name is Gertrude Fernsby, But you can call me Mrs.Fernsby."
"Okay!" I say with a bright smile. "Thank you for letting me feed the ducks with you Mrs.Fernsby."
"You can feed them with me anytime." She said with a sweet smile.
I only know that she sits on the same bench everyday because me and my mother would come everyday to sit and talk with her. I slowly walk over to the bench careful not to scare away the ducks.
"Hi Mrs.Fernsby." I say in a hushed tone and with a shy wave as I sit next to her.
"Rebeca." She says with her same kind smile I got so used to seeing. "I haven't seen you in awhile."
"Sorry about that." I say with a soft laugh. "I guess I just got caught up with life."
I didn't even realize she called me Rebeca. She's just one of those people that if she called me anything different it wouldn't be the same. Like if my mother was still here.
"That's alright dear." She says handing me a price of bread. "So tell me, do you still wish to be a singer?"
"Kind of." I say breaking the bread up. "I want to be a music producer now."
"That's a shame. You always had such a lovely voice." Gertrude said. "Do you still sing?"
"I actually don't sing much anymore." I actually haven't sung in years but I don't want her to know that.
"Why is that? You used to love it." She said while she grabbed more bread.
"Well my mom died so I don't have anyone to sing with." I say sadly. "I still love music though."
     "That's good. You should never change your passion just because something tragic happened." Gertrude said.
     I continued to talk with her a while longer. She said a dumb joke and I lost it. It was the first time in a while that my smile was ever that bright. I glanced down at my phone and saw the time.
     "I'm so sorry, but I need to get to school." I say standing up. "I'll make sure to come to this park more often."
     "It's fine." She says with a reassuring smile. "It was lovely talking to you again."
     "You too." I said giving her a smile.
     I ran the best I could in heals. I made it to my car then quickly drove to Chloe's. I honked the horn to signal that I was there. Chloe came out wearing a similar outfit to mine. This wasn't planned but hey it's kind of cute. Chloe was wearing a plane white button up with a white shirt and a light pink sweater with black flats.
     "Hey what took you so long?" Chloe asked as she got in the car.
     "Sorry about that." I say while driving to school. "I took an unplanned detour."
     "Really?" Chloe said tilting her head in an adorable manner. "Are you going to tell me where this detour was?"
     "Nope." I say popping the p. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out."
     "Fine." She said as she crossed her arms.
     The of the trip was silent. I pulled up to the rich kid side of school. I see all of the nice cars and absence of motor bikes. It was weird. I used to be so used to seeing cars like this. Now it was all so foreign. I got out of the car and started walking towards the building with Chloe by my side. I saw Chloe's face light up as she ran towards a blonde. I recognized from middle school what was her name... Ally? No... Addie? No... Aubrey! That's it! Aubrey Posen second richest person in the school and my old best friend.
     "Man you're so lucky." Aubrey said with a hint of envy. "You get to be at the top of the food chain in high school."
     "Yeah but I don't really want to." I say casually.
     "Why not?! You would be the most popular person in school." Aubrey said
     "Well you can be that person." I say with a small smile. "I'm moving so I won't be attending the school anymore." I lie
     "But you're my best friend you can't move." Aubrey protested.
     "You can always find a new best friend." I smile sadly.
     I slowly walk over to where Chloe was talking with Aubrey. Aubrey looked over her shoulder and made eye contact with me. Her eyes widened.
     "Re-Rebeca?" Aubrey asked shocked.
     "Umm... sort of." I say nervously. "I actually go by Beca now."
     "Hold up." Chloe says. "Did you know Aubrey when you were Rebeca?"
     "Yeah we used to be best friends." I say smiling sadly.
     "What did Chloe mean when she said were?" Aubrey asked. "Aren't you the same person?"
     "Technically yes." I say. "But I like to think of Beca and Rebeca as two separate people from two separate worlds."
     "I see." Aubrey said as she walked away from us.
     "Why did you tell me." Chloe asked in a soft voice studying her shoes.
     "I didn't think it mattered." I say honestly. "I didn't know you were her best friend otherwise I would have told you."
     "Okay." Chloe said brushing it off. "Now let's go meet my other friends."
     Chloe pulled me into the school excitedly as she started looking for her friends. I saw her face light up once more as she piles me to a group of students that had one girl and two boys.
     "Beca, I want you to meet my friends." Chloe said smiling proudly. "Everyone introduce yourself."
     "Hi, I'm Emily Junk." She was the first to speak up. She had long hair and was in a dress. The name Junk sounds familiar.
     "Chicago Walp, at your service." His hair was neat and short and was wearing a sweater vest.
     "I'm Benji Applebum." A boy with curly hair said shyly. He was in similar attire as Chicago.
"It's nice to meet you all." I say with a small wave. "I'm Beca Mitchell."
"The last name Mitchell sounds familiar." Emily said.
"Well Junk sounds familiar to me as well." I say with a small laugh. "I'm sure we'll figure it out eventually."
"So are you the one who is helping Chloe bring the sides together?" Chicago asked.
"Um yeah." I say kind of awkwardly. "You guys should sit with us at lunch tomorrow."
"We would love to!" Emily piped in excitedly.
"Great." I say with a half smile. "I'll see you guys around."
Me and Chloe went about our day much like the one before. Aubrey would occasionally stare at me. It's weird seeing her again. But when we had lunch she still sat with us and we were even able to go back and forth with friendly banter like we used to. All in all it was a great day.
After school me and Chloe were casually walking to my car in silence thinking about what we accomplished.
"Hey Becs can we go to a park?" Chloe asked out of the blue.
"A park? Why?" I ask as I laugh at her child like request.
"I don't know." She says with a shrug. "I just feel like playing on the swings and going down slides."
"Alright, let's go to the park." I say smiling. "I have the perfect one in mind."
"Yay!" Chloe said as she started to run to my car.
This girl is really starting to grow on me. We might actually be able to join the two sides together. But for now we're going to go to hidden valley park to play on the playground and maybe feed the ducks.

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