12- The First Wedding

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Becas POV
"Where the hell is the campaign?!" I yell as I walk around the venue.
It's been a couple months and it's now the day of the wedding. I was put in charge of making sure everything was in place before the ceremony. I was so focused I haven't even changed into my dress.
"Babe, you need to change into your dress." Chloe who was wearing a simple black dress said running over to me with my plan white dress in hand.
"But I need to make sure that the put the flowers in the right place." I say quickly pecking her lips.
"I'll take care of that. But Kat is worried you won't have time to change. So please hurry up and then you can come back and do your thing." Chloe said handing me my dress. "Now go change."
"Yes ma'am." I say giving her a mock salute before walking over to the changing rooms.
The dress went to my knees and I paired it with black heals. It was simple but I liked it. I quickly made my way back to the venue so I could help Chloe. I was in such a rush I didn't see a waiter walking in my detection with a case of red wine.
"Shit!" I hiss as I look down at my dress. "Are there any usable bottles still?"
The man shook his head quickly cleaning it up.
"Well has find some." I say while trying to find Chloe. "Chlo! Hey do you have a spare dress?"
"Oh my god what happened?" Chloe asked immediately once she saw my dress.
"I ran into some guy with a case of red wine. Now back to my original question. Do you have a spare dress?" I ask trying to pull the sticky dress away from my skin.
"The only dress I have is the one I wore to prom." Chloe said with furrowed brows. "I don't think you'll want to wear that one."
"Prom! That's it!" I said suddenly getting an idea.
"Becs you are not wearing a suit to your dads wedding. They specifically asked you to wear a dresss." Chloe said with a pointed look.
"And I will wear a dress. Thank you for the idea. I'll be back in 10." I say giving her a quick peck before taking off to my car.
Chloe's POV
      "Kat you look beautiful." I say giving the bride a hug. "So do you Em."
      "Thank you sweetheart. I just have one small question. Where the hell is beca?" Kathryn asked showing her nerves.
       "Well uh someone spilt wine on her dress so she went to go find something." I try to say as calmly as possible. "But she already has something in mind so I'm sure it's fine."
       "Her dress was ruined? As in she won't match the others?" Kathryn said with her breathing becoming heavier.
      "Hey mom I'm sure everything is fine. Beca will find a way for the dress to kind of match." Emily said trying to calm her.
      "Everything is fine. I trust Beca. She has already helped so much with the wedding so I'm sure it's fine." Kathryn said taking soothing breaths. "Now Chloe? Can you please make sure no other disasters happen?"
       "Yes ma'am. And in case I forgot to say something you really do look lovely." I say before leaving the room.
      I saw a woman in a grey dress telling people where to put things. I carefully walk towards the woman only to see that it's Beca.
     "Where did you get this dress?" I asked once I took in her appearance.
     "I saw it at the dress shop where I got my suit- you know what it doesn't matter I'll tell you later. Now the wedding starts in 5 so let's move." Beca rushed out all at once.
      "You May now kiss the bride." The preset said.
      The ceremony as beautiful and now we were all eating dinner. I was happily sitting next to Beca still wondering about the dress.
      "Are you gonna tell me where you got the dress now?" I playfully question the brunette sitting next to me.
      "Oh right. It was my moms. I found it at the dress shop I got my suit at. I was thinking of wearing it to prom but I didn't." Beca explained casually.
      "Well your mother had great taste." I say softly as I grab her hand. "It looks great on you."
      "Thanks. This was actually my favorite dress of hers. When I was five I asked if I could wear it to prom." Beca said with a small laugh.
      "I'm glad you can talk about her now." I say smiling.
      "Me too." Beca said giving me a soft kiss.
      "Now for the newlyweds first dance. And the groom as told me to ask if one Beca Mitchell could sing for them?" The MC said into the microphone.
      I look over at Beca with a confused expression. She was sporting a very similar one. She stood up none the less. She grabbed a microphone and told the MC to tell him what song to play.
      "I didn't know I was going to be doing this so if it's bad don't tell me." Beca joked into the mic before the music started
Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer
      Kat and Phill were both smiling happily. I decided to film Beca to post on Instagram.
I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything, take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath, every hour has come to this
One step closer
I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
And all along I believed, I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
One step closer
One step closer
I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
And all along I believed, I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
      The song ended and everyone bursted into applause. Beca curtseyed And quickly made her way off of the stage. I quickly tagged Beca posted the video with a smile.
      "Your voice is so beautiful. You should really use it more." I tell Beca giving her a loving kiss on the cheek.
      "That's what my mom would always say." Beca said with a hint of sadness.
      She's been getting better at talking about her mother but some subjects were still sore. One of those things would be singing. The only thing I really know is that her mom taught her how to sing and play the guitar.
      "Hey it's okay. Your mom would be proud. And I definitely know your dad is." I say pointing to the said man. "And I know they both love you."
      "Thanks." Beca said with a sad smile. "Now how about we go dance?"
      "Gladly." I take Becas hand and drag her to the dance floor.
      We danced to couple song perfectly content. Half way through one song her dad asked to cut in so I gladly let him. I took my seat and watched the two.
      "Wine miss?" I waited cane by and asked.
      I'm still 18 but a little wine won't hurt. Plus he is the one offering. And Beca said she wanted to try some. So why not?
      "Yes please. Can I get some for my date as well?" I ask gesturing to her glass.
      "Of course." He said pooping two glasses and placing them in there rightful places.
      "Thank you." I say taking a sip.
      "What's this?" Beca asked pointing at the glass once she was done dancing.
      "Wine." I say smiling. Beca gave me a look asking how I got said wine. "A waiter came by and asked me if I would like a glass. So I obviously said yes and got you some."
     "Oh my god your amazing." Beca said pecking me before taking a sip. "Thank you."
      "No problem." I smile at her excitement.
      The rest of the wedding was filled with laughter and more wine making us both slightly drunk. Overall it was a perfect night.
     "Alright, Mitchell children plus one Beale child to the car." Phill said once everything was cleaned up.
     "My feet are killing me." Beca said taking off her heels before walking to the car.
      "I told you not to wear heels. You knew you would be standing for most of the night." I say taking off my own.
     "Yeah, and let you be taller than me more than you already are? No way." Beca said. "But you bring up a point. Since I've been standing all day you should give me a piggyback ride."
      "Alright hop on." I say after a moment of consideration. "Your like a monkey."
      "I am not." Beca protested.
      "Yes you are. Now get in the car." Beca just laughed but got in none the less.
      Beca, Emily, and I were all so tired we all slept the whole ride. Since I was in the middle I searched as both of those pillows. I on the other hand leaned against Beca.
       "Hey Chloe?" I wake up to Kathryn gently touching my knee. "Can you wake up the two other girls while me and Phill unload the car?"
      "Yeah." I say yawning. "Hey Em, it's time to get up."
      "No." Emily said cuddling deeper into me. "Your to comfy for me to wake up."
      "Your up." I say laughing.
       Emily groaned as she sat up. "I see why Beca likes cuddling with you so much."
       "Thank you? Hey Becs it's time to wake up." I say gently feeling her shake her head. "If we go inside we can cuddle on the couch."
       Beca very reluctantly sat up rubbing the sleep out of her eyes before getting out with me following behind her.
       "I'm gonna change but I'll be right back." Beca said quickly running upstairs.
      "Thank you for helping today Chloe." Kathryn said walking into the living room. "I don't think I would've made it through to day if it wasn't for you."
      "No problem. Thank you for letting me help." I say hugging her.
      "You promised cuddles." Beca said walking downstairs now in an oversized flannel.
       "Did I?" I say playfully before being dragged to the couch.
       "Yes." Beca said sleepily. "Goodnight Chlo."
      "Goodnight monkey." We both soon fell asleep happy with today's events.
A/N- Because so many of you were sad Beca never wore her moms dress I had her wear in now. But the real question is, who messed with the holds?

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