11- Making It Offical

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Becas POV
     "Morning." I say casually walking downstairs and putting some bread in the toaster.
     "Good morning." My dad said putting down his paper. "By the way I have a dinner with Kathryn and Emily if you would like to join us."
     "Uh yeah I'll join." I say taking a bite of toast. "Is it at a fancy restaurant?"
     "It's fairly nice but I don't think you'll need to wear a dress. Just as long as you wear jeans without holes." My dad said in a joking manner.
     "Do I have any of those?" I say pretending to go deep in thought.
     "Very funny. Hurry up you don't want to be late for school." My dad said shoving me out the door.
     "Bye dad." I say hopping in my car.
     "Bye Beca." He said waving me off and bringing a smile to my face.
     I walked into school with the an easy smile playing on my lips. I was in such a good mood I even said good morning to some strangers in the hallway. I feel someone poking my shoulder so I turned around to see a smiling redhead. This only made me smile more.
     "Someone's in a good mood." Chloe said playfully. "I'm guessing you dad called you Beca again."
     "Well that and seeing a very pretty redhead in the morning." I say winking making her blush.
     "Shut up." She said shoving me playfully.
     "Make me." I say with a challenging tone.
     Chloe hesitated for a moment before connecting our lips. Once the shock wore of I started kissing back. She gently started walking till my back was ageist the lockers. She gently took my bottom lip between her teeth before pulling away. She smirked before walking away leaving me in a daze.
"What the hell was that?" Cynthia-Rose asked once Chloe walked away.
"I have no idea." I say running a hand though my hair to try and calm myself.
"She totally wanted to fuck you against the lockers." Stacie said joining the conversation. "What's going on between you two anyway?"
"I don't know... we haven't talked about it. What's going on with you and Aubrey?" I say trying to get the attention off if me and Chloe.
"Don't try and change the subject." Stacie said shaking her head. "You need to make it official between you two."
"Do I?" I managed to squeak out.
"Well considering that intense lip lock between you two, yeah." CR said gesturing between me and the locker. "I'm also positive she'll say yes."
"Yeah but if I'm gonna ask her I want it to be special." I say looking down at my hands.
"How about a scavenger hunt?" Stacie suggested.
"No, she did that for prom." I said still deep in thought.
"How about a song? I heard you can sing and write songs so just do that." CR said after awhile.
"Yeah like I can write a song before lunch." I say with my voice laced with sarcasm.
"You might not be able to write a song but you can alternate one." Stacie said with an evil smirk.
Chloe's POV
I walked into the cafeteria and saw Beca talking with Stacie and Cynthia-Rose. I decided to walk over to where the three were eating.
"Hey, what were you guys talking about?" I ask innocently as I sat down.
"Oh nothing." Beca quickly said before getting up and walking away.
"That was weird." I say as I watch her leave. "Is everything okay?"
"Why wouldn't everything be okay?" Stacie said her voice going up an octave. "So everything is great."
"Everything is Fine. Lil'B just went to the bathroom." CR said covering Stacie's mouth. "So how has your day been?"
I was about to answer the question when a familiar tune played over the schools speakers. I furrowed my eyebrows considering the song choice made no sense.
It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna go out with you
Is it the look in your eyes, or is it the schools juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna go out with you
Beca then came back into the cafeteria singing. I'm proud of her. She's really putting herself out there. I wonder who she's asking out?
Well I know this little theater on the boulevard
We can go
No one will know
Oh c'mon girl
Who cares if we're trashed
Got a pocket full of cash we can blow
Shots of Patron
And it's on girl
Don't say no no no no no
Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
And we'll go go go go go
If you're ready, like I'm ready
'Cause it's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna go out with you
Is it the look in your eyes or is it the schools juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna go out with you
I'll go get a ring pop
Let the choir bell sing like ooh
So what you wanna do
Lets just run girl
If we wake up and you want to break up
That's cool
No I won't blame you
It was fun girl
Don't say no no no no no
Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
And we'll go go go go go
If you're ready, like I'm ready
'Cause it's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna go out with you
Is it the look in your eyes, or is it the schools juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna go out with you
Just say I do
Tell me right now baby
Tell me right now baby, baby
Just say I do
Tell me right now baby
Tell me right now baby, baby
It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do
Hey baby, I think I wanna go out with you
Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice
Who cares baby, I think I wanna go out with you
Beca was now standing in front of my with a proud smirk playing on her lips.
"Do you Chloe Beale want to be my girlfriend?" Beca asked awkwardly.
"Definitely." I say smiling before pulling Beca in for a kiss.
The entire cafeteria cheered making both of us pull away and laugh. If we weren't well known around the school before we definitely are now.
Becas POV
"Hey Bec are you ready to go!" My dad called from downstairs.
     "Yeah I'm just trying to find my other shoe!" I yell back. "Never mind found it!"
     "Let's go I don't want to be late!" He said already walking to the door.
     I walked downstairs in white jeans without holes (I may or may not have bought them after school.) and one of my flannels.
     "Okay lets go." I say running to catch up. "So why are we going out to dinner anyway?"
    "That is a surprise. But you like Kat and Emily, right?" My dad said with an unsure tone.
     "Yeah. I've always wanted a sister and Kat kinda reminds me of mom but she's still different. Why?" I ask absent minded as I play on my phone.
     "No reason." He said glancing in my direction. "So how was school?"
"It was good..." I mentally debated in whether or not to tell him about Chloe. We were finally getting along. "I Uh I got a girlfriend."
"Who is this girl?" My dad asked. I noticed his grip on the steering wheel tightened.
"Um you know the girl who came over that one time?" I asked hesitantly earning a nod. "Well uh that's-that's who."
"You're cute together." He said as his tight gripped loosened. "What was her name again?"
"Chloe." I say smiling at the fact he's actually cool with my sexuality for once.
"Lovely name for a lovely girl." My dad said turning to look at me. "Now lets go to dinner."
"Hey Emily." I say giving her a hug. "Hi Kat." I say giving her one as well.
"The lyric thing was really smart." Emily said after awhile. "I would've never thought of it."
"What lyric thing?" Both Kathryn and my dad asked.
"I asked Chloe to me my girlfriend by changing the lyrics to a Bruno Mars song." I say casually.
"Oh that was sweet." Kathryn said smiling. "I hope you guys have a successful relationship."
"Thanks." I say smiling. "Me too."
"Speaking of successful relationships..." My dad said awkwardly. "Uh Kat we've been dating for awhile and everything is going smoothly so..." Me and Emily looked at each other in anticipation. "Will you marry me?"
"Yes." Kathryn said as my dad slipped the ring on her finger and hugging her.
"So that's why you asked my opinion on Kat and Emily." I say smiling. "But I really don't know why you said yes, I mean he's a handful."
"Beca Mitchell!" My dad said giving me a glare while Emily and Kathryn Just laughed.
The rest of the dinner went by smoothly. I was able to joke with my dad like I used to and overall it was a good day.
Me- My dad just proposed to Kathryn so I was wondering if you wanted to be my date to the wedding? (11:46pm)
ChloXx- Yes I want to go :) night cutie (11:48pm)
Me- I'm not cute. Night Chlo. (12:00am)

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